Perfect Programmer Resume: What To Write In Your Resume
Nowadays, finding a job is a very hard task. First of all, because of the abundance of available vacancies, and secondly, because of the requirements for candidates. According to Gartner’s research, even among employed specialists, more than 50% receive additional job offers. The key to these candidates’ popularity lies in their professionalism and a correctly formatted resume.
JOBITT experts have prepared a brief guide on «How a programmer's resume should look like.» From this material, you will learn about the structure of an ideal CV, you will see examples of how to fill all the blocks correctly and rules for writing a programmer resume. By following our tips, you will be able to create a working resume that will get you a job interview or even a job with one of the top IT companies in the world.
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Resume Structure: What Blocks Should Be in CVs and What to Write In Them
In past materials, we have considered each block in detail. But since the technology and the recruitment principles are constantly changing, this info should also be updated. CV for a programmer should be properly structured, i.e., broken down into logical sections, each of which reveals the potential of an applicant and “sells” their services to a recruiter and then to an employer.
In addition to the structure, an application should have “strong words” – verbs describing your skills, achievements, or successes in your previous position. Let's take a brief look at each block through the eyes of an HR and define a checklist for a programmer resume and an example of a resume, a good resume for a programmer.
1. Contact info
Job seeker's contact info is an obligatory attribute of the application form. The best resume for a programmer always includes this block. Here you need to write your phone number, address, e-mail, as well as additional communication channels: Viber, Telegram, Whatsapp, Skype, and optionally – social networks pages, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter. In the past «How to write a resume for a programmer» materials, we have already talked about the importance of this section.
2. Summary
Standard resume template for a programmer usually has a section with a general description of a job seeker. You need this to tell about yourself concisely. You don't have to tell your life story or certain situations. It is enough to describe your strengths and weaknesses briefly, and it is desirable to specify how you compensate for flaws, if any. We have already given an example of a quality resume sample for a programmer, where this section is written in just a few sentences.
3. Hard Skills
Your skills are a passport to top IT companies. But it's not enough to simply know programming languages or have experience working in a team – you need to present it all competently in the application form. Professional skills for a programmer resume include practical skills, a list of mastered software, techniques, and principles of creating apps or games.
For instance, if you are a well-rounded programmer and have a good knowledge of popular development languages – specify only the suitable ones for the position, i.e., either JavaScript – Senior, or a similar level of Python, Vue, Angular, etc. That way, you're sure to create yourself a good resume for the programmer job.
4. Experience
What should a resume for programmers ideally look like? Over 10 years of work in a similar position, thousands of successful projects, and rave reviews from clients. Usually, the real portfolio of an average developer is a bit more modest. But this is the background without which the road to a top IT company is often closed.
The section is arranged in reverse chronological order. Example of a resume for a programmer:
Developer at ChinaGames, 2018-2022.
- Developed X and Y projects and increased company profits.
Middle Developer at Arc, 2014-2018.
- Implemented own graphics engine in T project.
In the experience description, it is preferable to include not only previous jobs but also key achievements, career growth, etc. “Strong words” should be used in this block, such as: “developed,” “promoted,” “implemented.” This trick will also help overcome ATS filter barriers reading certain words.
5. Project, pet-projects
If you run your own projects or participate in outside ones, tell your employer about it. Perhaps this experience will make you stand out from the other applicants and increase your chances of employment. If possible, specify relevant projects for the company you are applying to. But even if the subject is irrelevant, this block will help you create a comprehensive resume for a programmer.
6. Education
As with “Experience” block, you need to list your education in reverse chronological orderе. To understand how to write a resume for a programmer correctly – stick to this guide. Focus on the most relevant profiles, courses, and certifications for your desired job. Include your accomplishments or successful student projects. The section is crucial for graduates whose work experience is measured by a few free projects or labs.
7. Languages
Indicate your level of language proficiency here. The more extensive and in-depth your knowledge is, the better your chances for successful employment. English is considered the most important in the IT segment because it is in English that all the guides and FAQs are written, the global community and top specialists communicate.
Usually, development teams are international, so the language barrier complicates their communication. English has long been used as a universal language worldwide, so knowing it even at a basic level will be a great background, especially to understand how to write a resume for a programmer.
8. Soft Skills
Personal qualities for a programmer's resume are often confused with “soft skills,” but that's not entirely true. Soft skills can be both innate and developed over the years. This section should not indicate character traits but rather communication skills, finding a way out of difficult situations, or adapting to changing customer needs. Ideally, describe in a list, using “strong words and phrases.”
What this section should look like:
Find common ground with all team members.
Quickly adapt to a new environment.
Solve all issues and problems with a clear head.
Learn new methods and skills.
Assist in organizing a work process.
Carefully review code and correct errors before testers find them.
Approximately this is how you should describe your soft skills of a programmer for a resume. Some professionals even include shortcomings in this list, turning them into advantages. For example: It takes me longer to turn in projects, but there are almost always no bugs or non-working fragments.
9. Additional info
In the “Additional info” block, you can detail both “About Me” resume programmer and other important in your opinion info. For example, hobbies, achievements, or interests in parallel areas of IT – 3D modeling, texturing, etc. It is worth focusing a recruiter's attention on that your candidacy can be useful in other spheres of activity of a target company as well.
What Do Recruiters Look At?
When reviewing a resume programmer, every recruiter aims to identify a potential candidate for a specific position. That is why they often use ATS, which “filters” applicants and passes only relevant results. Next, the HR specialist “diagonally” looks through the application form, pays attention to the “About Me” section of the resume programmer, training, experience, looks at grammar. Compares the information with the minimum checklist from the employer and makes a decision about the interview.
Example/Sample of a Good Programmer Resume
In brief, a programming resume format should look about like this:
Vasily Jobsicker
- 01.01.1981
- city Mariupol
- Phone: +380ххххххххх
- Skype: ххххххх
- E-mail: [email protected]
General Information:
- Quickly adapt to a team, introduce myself to a project from the first day, and demonstrate the results within a week.
- JavaScript — Senior
- Angular — Middle
- MondoDB — Junior
- Middle Developer в Koenigg, 2013-2022.
- Front-end Developer у Google, 2010-2013
Developed tire pressure monitoring system.
Implemented a new ecosystem interface.
Current projects:
- Let'sGoFree на Kikstarter
- Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, information technology, master's degree, 2001-2007.
- English – advanced.
- Ukrainian – native.
Soft skills:
- Quickly find common ground.
- Creative thinking and sharing ideas.
Additional Information:
- I participate in charity projects, develop web programs for startups.
Where to Create a CV? CV Creation Service
There is a great service that will help to create a resume online. It already has a template designed after the example of application forms in top IT companies. With this service, you can fill out a profile in minutes and either post it to our site right away or download the file to your device and use it to send it straight to employers.
Resume for programmer — the main tool for employment. The chance of an interview at one of the world's top IT companies directly depends on its competent format and completion. Do you want to get your desired position within a few days? Use the JOBITT application builder to create a resume, publish it on our website, and get dozens of responses!
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