Креативний 3D-дизайнер. Спцілізуюсь на створенні моделей для ігор, архітектуру, landscapes, hard-surface. Маю високу самоорганізованість, стресостійкість і вміння працювати в команді. Спеціалізуюся на моделюванні, текстуруванні та рендерингу деталізованих сцен та об'єктів.
2d animator
Cherkasy, Odesa (2), More than 5 years experience, Pre-Intermediate
18 March 2025
2D Animation
Працюю більше 7 років з анімацією. Вмію малювати від руки.
UI / UX designer
1200$, Chernivtsi, More than 5 years experience, Beginner/Elementary
14 March 2025
UI/UX Design
I have over 4 years of experience in web interface design, crafting modern, sales-driven solutions. I specialize in developing engaging designs for internet shops, single-page sites, mobile applications, web3 projects, and more.
Worked as a manager for foreign economic activity. Purchases a wide range of goods for production and sale in Ukraine.
Python Junior
1000$, Kyiv, Without experience, Pre-Intermediate
12 March 2025
Маю потужну мотивацію та здатність до швидкого навчання. Захоплююсь програмування, зокрема Python, і активно розвиваю навички в сфері AI with Python. Досвіду поки не маю але з нетерпінням бажаю його отримати. Структурований у підході до завдань і ціную детальний аналіз.
Java developer
Kyiv, Odesa (1), Without experience, Beginner/Elementary
12 March 2025
Навчаю Java вже 1.5 роки, пройшов курси від Hillel та Udemy, створив власний пет-проект (dayzwiki.org). Одночасно вивчаю англійську мову. Я амбіційний, завжди готовий до нових знань і обожнюю навчатися чомусь новому.
Experienced Full Stack Developer with 5+ years of commercial experience in web development. Proficient in building scalable and high-performance applications using React, Next.js, Node.js, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, and various CMS platforms. Strong analytical skills, adaptability to new technologies, and a problem-solving mindset. Passionate about optimizing performance and delivering clean, maintainable code.
Highly motivated DevOps and SRE with 4+ years in infrastructure, automation, and cloud technologies. Proven track record of delivering scalable solutions across diverse environments. Strong blockchain background from community management. Passionate about emerging tech, quickly mastering new tools and solving complex challenges in dynamic settings.
Game developer
Toronto, Montreal (4), 1 year experience, Advanced/Fluent
10 March 2025
GameDev / Unity / AS3
A passionate and hard working gameplay programmer and game designer.
I am a Java Developer with experience developing Spring Boot applications
and building RESTful APIs. I actively use frameworks like Spring Boot,
Hibernate, MySQL, and Docker in my projects. My strengths include quick
learning, being goal-oriented, analytical thinking. I am passionate about solving complex tasks, improving my skills,
and contributing to team success in delivering high-quality IT products.
Video Editor
1500$, Pula, More than 3 years experience, Upper Intermediate
QA Engineer with over 6 years of commercial experience in software testing of Web and
mobile applications, and 4 years as a Scrum Master. Experienced in project interviews and mentoring, as well as being a single QA of the
Team. Leading a QA direction of the Team I was responsible for establishing test process
from the early development stage, and support through the release cycle.