How to Turn Your Hobby into a Business: Start Your Freelance Career with Fixando

Many people dream of turning their passion into a profession. Whether it's photography, craftsmanship, or teaching music, the idea of earning money from your hobby is enticing. However, it often remains just an idea because the step into self-employment seems complex and challenging. This is where Fixando comes in – a platform that helps you offer your services and find new clients.

What is Fixando?

Fixando is an online platform that connects professionals and service providers with customers looking for those exact services. Whether you are an experienced craftsman, a creative artist, or a tech-savvy IT specialist, Fixando offers you the opportunity to showcase your skills to a wide audience and discover new business opportunities.

Advantages of Fixando

Easy Registration and Profile Creation

The first step to using Fixando is incredibly simple. You register on the platform and create your profile. Here, you can describe your services in detail, add references, and upload pictures of your previous work. A well-filled profile increases the likelihood of being found by potential customers.

Access to a Broad Customer Base

Fixando is available in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. This means you can offer your services in these three countries. The platform is visited by thousands of people looking for professional services, increasing your visibility and giving you the chance to quickly gain new customers.

Flexibility and Control

As a freelancer, you often have specific requirements and ideas about how you want to work. Fixando allows you to structure your work flexibly. You can decide which projects to take on and how to price your services. This way, you maintain control over your work and can plan your projects according to your availability and preferences.

How Does Fixando Work?

1. Registration and Profile Creation


Sign up on,, or and create your service provider profile. Provide detailed information about your services, prices, and availability.


2. Receive Offers


Once your profile is online, potential customers can contact you and submit requests. You receive detailed descriptions of the projects and can decide whether you want to make an offer.


3. Complete Projects


If the customer accepts your offer, you can start working. After completing the project, both parties have the opportunity to leave a review. Positive reviews help strengthen your profile and convince future customers.

Tips for Success on Fixando

  • Create an Informative Profile: Clearly and concisely describe your services. Add references and pictures to underline your professionalism.
  • Respond Quickly: Reply promptly to inquiries to avoid losing potential customers. A quick response shows your professionalism and commitment.
  • Good Communication: Clarify all project details in advance and keep the customer informed throughout the process. Transparent communication prevents misunderstandings and builds trust.
  • Deliver Quality: Provide high-quality services to receive positive reviews. Satisfied customers are the best advertisement for your business.


Fixando offers you an excellent opportunity to turn your hobby into a profitable business. With a user-friendly platform, access to a broad customer base, and the ability to structure your work flexibly, you can successfully start as a freelancer. Sign up today on,, or and begin transforming your passion into a lucrative business!

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