Where to find programmers for startup

The product idea was formed, the "army of fans" arrived, and the business plan is ready – the birth of the project was successful! But what's next? Where to find developers for a startup? By 2023, their number will reach 27.7 million people worldwide, which is 3.2 million more than in 2020. Therefore, you need to learn how to choose the right programmers today. In this article, we will analyze the main resources for finding IT specialists on the Internet and show you how to find “the one.”   


Where to find programmers for startup

What Role Does Programmer Play in Startup? 

In short, the key one. Developers create a basic version of the product or MVP – a minimum viable product. They are responsible for the content of the server part (backend) and the client part (frontend). A programmer for a startup team also performs product optimization, for example, shortening a code and speeding up a program. 


It is important for developers to maintain constant contact with designers, testers, and startup owners. The team follows the general concept of the product, so everyone should understand their task and make changes in time.

How To Find the Right Programmer for a Startup

Determine the list of functions of the future app/program. It contains initial characteristics (MVP) for release to the market and extended ones for attracting an audience. It will give you the exact criteria you need to find a programmer for a startup. For example, experience with similar projects. 


Choose platforms (iOS/Android/Windows) and technologies (Kotlin/Java/Swift) – the range of specialists will narrow significantly. For example, in 2022, JavaScript (65%) and HTML/CSS (55%) still lead in polls among developers as the most commonly used programming languages. And C++ is popular for 22.5% of programmers worldwide. 


Consider the necessary hard and soft skills to work on the project. A programmer for a startup is part of a newly formed team, so they must be able to communicate with colleagues and be proactive. 


How To Find the Right Programmer for a Startup

Search for a Programmer Among Friends and Acquaintances

A team of 3 to 5 people is enough for MVP development. The search for programmers for a startup will not become something grandiose if you remember which of your friends is in IT. When no such people are in mind, write a post on social networks, and those who wish will appear among your friends' friends. 


Describe your idea in 3-4 sentences and explain what they will do when creating the product. So there will be work for friends and more trusting relationships within the team. If your best friend doesn't fit the tech stack or experience as a startup programmer, then recommend them an article on how to write a resume. Then they will have more chances to get the project. 


The search for a programmer for a startup can also be done in a circle of professional contacts based on recommendations. As a rule, IT specialists change projects every 3-4 years in order to diversify their experience and find more interesting tasks. 

Job Search Sites 

How to find a developer for a startup using specialized sites is clear immediately upon transition. They post vacancies from employers, set filters to simplify the search, and contain candidates' resumes. 

There is a huge list of popular web resources where to find a startup programmer: 

  • Upwork
  • Toptal
  • StackOverflow Jobs

Also, go to LinkedIn, where there is all the information about the candidates and their experience. If you are looking for a specialist for short-term cooperation (1-2 projects), visit 


Job Search SitesĀ 

Search for Programmers for a Startup – Find an IT Community

The most popular online place for IT professionals has become GitHub. There are more than 83 million developers in the community, who share the process of creating software/apps, discuss and share the results. You can find new ideas, answers to questions, and developers for projects on the forum.


Another atmospheric place is StackOverflow. Community members upload sample codes, share tips and tricks. Also, the site has about 100 million visitors every month who actively discuss projects, read articles, or search for a developer for a startup.


Meet future team members at online tech events and meetups. For example, visit WordCamp  – there are many WordPress developers. Full Stack specialists gather at the Full Stack Europe conference and Python at PyCon. New ideas and sharing experiences are guaranteed! 

Find a Programmer for a Startup: What Channels To Avoid?

Groups in messengers (Viber, Telegram) and social networks (Facebook, Instagram) are platforms for advertising jobs, companies, and skills. But by posting a job offer there, employers tend to get a lot of useless and incomplete responses. 


So, startup owners can spend about 40% of their working time on non-profitable tasks, among which are hiring and staffing issues. Specialized sites like JOBITT, which have all the tools you need, can help you save time finding programmers for your startup.  


The easiest way is to search through people you know and therefore have more trust in your team. But there is also a second side – the "jealousy at work" of other participants. Again the question is: “Where can I find a programmer for a startup?" On average, it takes six months to hire one employee for a startup. To speed up the search, get started with JOBITT today, where you get over 9,000 job postings monthly and 0% commission! Sign up to find your person for the team! 

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