Supermarket chain "TAVRIA V" invites you to work Technical support specialist to the ACS department at the supermarket "Kosmos" at the address ul. Balzac, 2-a.
Our company is a huge team of people and an ever-growing number of retail facilities.
Who are we looking for? Energetic people who are ready to work for the result. Together with you, we form an active team that can cope with any task.
We offer you salary stability, formal employment, paid internship and training from the first day of work.
Experience with PC assembly is preferred , installing operating systems and configuring network equipment. Work experience in the 1C program will be a plus
Ovsita: Maybe unfinished higher or secondary. Completion of computer-related courses will be a plus.
Computer skills: PC assembly and disassembly. Installing the OS. OS settings. Installation of network equipment and configuration of routers and others.
Working conditions:
Call or write:067-157-71-53 ; 098 065 41 01< /p>
Our manager Angelica Poojai will be happy to help you!
E-mail: [email protected]
No response means that, unfortunately, we do not have a suitable vacancy for you today.
At the same time, your resume wouldwhere stored in our database, and if a suitable vacancy appears in the future, we will offer it to you for consideration.