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InternationalSolidarity (SI) in Ukraine opens an external recruitment process. PRESENTATION OF THE ORGANIZATION International Solidarity /strong> (SI) is an international humanitarian non-governmental organization that has been providing assistance to populations affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters for more than 40 years, providing the vital needs of food, water and shelter. In particular, SI is involved in the fight against diseases related to unsafe water, which is one of the lea

InternationalSolidarity (SI) in Ukraine opens an external recruitment process.

PRESENTATION OF THE ORGANIZATION International Solidarity /strong> (SI) is an international humanitarian non-governmental organization that has been providing assistance to populations affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters for more than 40 years, providing the vital needs of food, water and shelter. In particular, SI is involved in the fight against diseases related to unsafe water, which is one of the leading causes of death in the world. SI provides expertise in access to drinking water, improved sanitation and hygiene, and food security and livelihoods. With a presence in approximately twenty countries, SI teams—a total of 2,000 people, made up of expatriates, national staff, permanent headquarters staff and volunteers—work with professionalism and dedication while respecting culture.





strong>Solidarity (SI) intends to prevent and combat all forms of abuse – all acts of exploitation, abuse and/or sexual harassment (SEX) against members of beneficiary communities, fraud , corruption, violation of the rights of persons and/or property, financing of activities that harm human rights - which can be carried out within the framework of its intervention. SI has a zero-tolerance policy for the actions of SNEs.

International Solidarity is a fair employer committed to addressing all forms of discrimination. SI will never seek remuneration for participation in the recruitment process.


< p>Under the direct supervision of the field coordinator in Dnipro and under the technical supervision of the national WASH cluster coordinator (Kyiv), the head of the sub-national WaSH cluster will be responsible for the coordination of WaSH activities in his area of ​​responsibility, which includes Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kirovohrad, Luhansk, Poltava and Zaporizhzhia Region ("Target Territory"). In particular, the purpose of this position is to lead and facilitate processes that will ensure a well-coordinated, strategic, adequate, coherent and effective response of sub-national cluster WaSH actors. The head of the subnational WaSH cluster will be an employee of "International Solidarity", but will work impartially, serving the needs of all members of the subnational cluster of the eastern regions of Ukraine.


  • Organize and facilitate regular coordination meetings and information exchange to ensure effective interaction between by all humanitarian WaSH partners in the areas of the target area
  • Develop and support the implementation of the sub-national WaSH cluster strategy
  • Promote and support the use of agreed WaSH tools, standards and guidelines by the cluster for survey and evaluation
  • Notify the national coordinator of the WaSH cluster about any problems and gaps in the work of the subnational clusterастеру
  • Підтримувати координацію процесів оцінювання, включаючи визначення потреби в оцінюванні, багатокластерні первинні експрес-оцінки (MIRA чи IST), огляди гуманітарних потреб (НГО), тощо
  • Регулярно надавати інформацію для звітності кластера та піднімати ключові питання перед національним WaSH кластером та/або іншими відповідними координаційними органами. Звертатися за необхідною підтримкою до національного WaSH кластеру у разі потреби
  • Проводити мапування існуючих та потенційних суб’єктів у зоні відповідальності, включаючи урядові, національні та міжнародні організації, а також установи та агенції приватного сектору. Сприяти належній участі цих організацій у субнаціональному WaSH кластері
  • Бути контактною особою щодо планів реагування та операцій WaSH у районах цільової території для OCHA та ICWG
  • Розробляти та сприяти впровадженню планів на випадок непередбачених обставин, а також планів готовності для субнаціонального кластеру, за необхідності, під керівництвом національно координатора WaSH кластеру
  • Забезпечувати мапування можливостей складування та можливостей постачання невідкладних матеріалів на районному рівні та повідомляти про перешкоди та прогалини національному WaSH кластеру
  • Сприяти встановленню ефективних зв’язків між WaSH субкластером та іншими Суб-Національними кластерами на сході України та з OCHA, зокрема у сферах охорони здоров’я, продовольчої безпеки та засобів існування, харчування, житла, CCCM, захисту та освіти
  • Сприяти інтеграції підходів WaSH у наскрізні питання, такі як підзвітність постраждалим групам населення (AAP), права людини, ВІЛ/СНІД, вік, гендер і навколишнє середовище, утилізація, а також залучати підходи до гуманітарного планування, імплементації та моніторингу орієнтовані на людей та громади
  • Сприяти гендерній рівності, забезпечуючи врахування потреб, вкладів і здібностей жінок і дівчат, а також чоловіків і хлопчиків
  • Ураховуючи попередній досвід, надавати інформацію національному WaSH кластеру для відповідного перегляду стратегій та планів дій, а також визначати потенційні прогалини у можливостях, які мають бути усунені національним та субнаціональним WaSH кластерами
  • Проводити регулярні моніторингові візити до всіх районів цільової території, дотримуючись рамок моніторингу WaSH кластеру (заохочувати моніторинг з боку колег, де це доречно)
  • Координувати та сприяти розвитку потенціалу партнерів та місцевих органів влади щодо впровадження надання WaSH програм у надзвичайних ситуаціях шляхом регулярного проведення аналізу дефіциту потенціалу (за підтримки національного кластеру)
  • Підтримувати зв’язок з національним WaSH кластером, щоб допомогти забезпечити посилення спроможності реагування на надзвичайні ситуації у сфері WaSH на основі мапінгу наявного потенціалу (та прогалин)
  • Підтримувати партнерів кластера у визначенні основних проблем адвокації, включаючи потреби в ресурсах, та інформувати про них національний WaSH кластер
  • Сприяти збору зворотного зв’язку від бенефіціарів для забезпечення того, щоб заходи реагування були направлені на постраждале населення, а гуманітарні суб’єкти WaSh знали та виused AAP as well as participatory and community-based approaches in their planning, implementation and monitoring


, who will provide the person holding this position with all the necessary support and instructions
  • WaSH cluster members, who in turn will ensure that they fulfill their agreed minimum obligations
  • Information management team , which will provide support according to its terms of reference
  • Sub-national inter-cluster coordinating bodies established by HCT/UNOCHA
  • Affected populations through agreed mechanisms
  • "International Solidarity", which is the host NGO for this position and will support the position logistically. The person holding this position will have to comply with International Solidarity's internal rules of procedure, including security rules and procedures, unless otherwise agreed with the UNOCHA WaSH Cluster and International Solidarity
  • < br/>


    • Education: technical education related to water/sanitation/health or construction/civil engineering
    • < li>Experience: experience in managing WaSH projects and humanitarian cluster representation, partnerships and relations with national/local authorities
    • Knowledgelanguages: English language - C1 level, Ukrainian language - B2 level
    • Knowledge IT programs : Knowledge of MS Excel and Word programs, including the preparation of reporting tables, charts, graphs and presentations
    • Qualification< strong>:
    • Understanding the rationale of humanitarian reform, its main components and recent developments, including the Transformation Program
    • Understanding and practical use of tools, mechanisms and processes developed within the framework of humanitarian reforms
    • Commitment to humanitarian principles, principles of partnership, WaSH cluster and independence from the employer organization
    • Understanding the key technical issues of the WaSH cluster, as well as understanding the information management needs for a specific cluster
    • Personal qualities: Strategic thinking and action. Communicability, leadership qualities, the ability to establish relationships with a wide range of people and institutions. Analytical skills in the framework of ensuring the quality development of WaSH programs and contextual analysis

    TERMS < strong>JOBS:

    • Placework: office at the address in the city of Dnipro, possible business trips to other regions
    • Contract: fixed-term employment contract (according to Ukrainian legislation)
    • Typeemployment< /strong>:full-time employment
    • Salarysalary: 3165 EUR gross (Before taxes are deducted, paid in hryvnias, according to the monthly rate of the bank of the European Commission)
    • Additional: holiday 31 calendar days, paid family leave, life insurance

    Either please send your resume and > coverletter in English < /strong>language according to the resume submission form.

    Finaldeadline < Submission of applications: November 15, 2024. >


    SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL launches the external recruitment.


    SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL(SI) is an international humanitarian NGO which, for more than 40 years, has been providing assistance to populations affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters by meeting their vital needs for food, water and shelter. Particularly involved in the fight against diseases linked to unsafe water, the first cause of death in the world, SI's interventions provide expertise in the field of access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, but also in the essential area of ​​food security and livelihoods . Present in around twenty countries, SI's teams - 2000 people in total made up of expatriates, national staff, permanent staff at headquarters, and a few volunteers - work with professionalism and commitment while respecting cultures.

    Solidarites International (SI) is determined to prevent and fight all types of abuse – all acts of exploitation, abuse and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or collaborators, fraud, corruption, violation of persons and /or property, funding of activities harmful to human rights – that could be perpetrated in the frame of its interventions. SI implements a zero-tolerance policy regarding acts of SEAH.

    Solidarites International is an equitable employer committed to finding all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any remuneration to take part in a recruitment process.


    Under the line management of the Field Coordinator in Dnipro and the technical supervision of the National WASH Cluster Coordinator (Kyiv), the Sub-National WaSH Cluster Lead will be responsible to facilitatete the coordination of WASH activities in his/her area of responsibility which includes Dnipropetrovska, Donetska, Kharkivska, Kirovohradska, Luhanska, Poltavska, and Zaporizka districts (‘Focus Area”). In particular, the purpose of this position is to provide leadership and facilitate the processes that will ensure a well-coordinated, strategic, adequate, coherent, and effective response by WaSH actors of the sub-national cluster. The Sub-National WaSH Cluster Lead will be an employee of SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL, however, the individual will work impartially, serving the needs of all members of the Sub-National Cluster for East Ukraine. 


    • Organize and facilitate regular coordination meetings and information sharing efforts to help ensure effective coor-dination among all humanitarian WASH partners in the Focus Area districts. This includes organizing regular multi-lateral and bilateral meetings, developing meeting agendas, sending meeting minutes, and following up on agreed-upon action points
    • Develop and support implementation of a Sub-National WaSH Cluster strategy
    • Promote and support the use of agreed-upon WaSH Cluster tools, standards, and guidance for conducting surveys and assessments
    • Alert the National WaSH Cluster Coordinator of any Sub-National WaSH Cluster needs or gaps
    • Support coordination of assessment processes, including identification of need for assessments, multi-cluster initial rapid assessments (MIRAs or ISTs), humanitarian needs overviews (HNOs), etc. 
    • Provide regular inputs to Cluster reporting efforts, and raise key issues to the National WaSH Cluster and/or other relevant coordination bodies. Request needed support from the National WaSH Cluster when required
    • Conduct mapping of current and potential actors in the area of responsibility – including government, national and international organizations, as well as institutions and private sector agencies. Promote appropriate participation of these organisations in the Sub-National WaSH Cluster
    • Be the focal point for WaSH response plans and operations within the Focus Area districts for OCHA and the ICWG
    • Develop and facilitate implementation of contingency and preparedness plans for the Sub-National Cluster as re-quired, under the guidance of the National WaSH Cluster Coordinator
    • Ensure mapping of warehousing and emergency material supply capacities at district level, and communicate bot-tlenecks and gaps to the National WaSH Cluster
    • Promote effective links between the WaSH Sub-Cluster with other Sub-National Clusters in East Ukraine and with OCHA, including in the areas of Health, Food Security and Livelihoods, Nutrition, Shelter, Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM), Protection, and Education
    • Promote integration of WaSH in cross-cutting issues such as Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), human rights, HIV/AIDS, age, gender and environment, utilization, and participatory, people-centered and community-based approaches in humanitarian planning, implementation, and monitoring
    • Promote gender equality by ensuring that needs, contributions and capacities of women and girls as well as men and boys are addressed
    • Draw lessons learned from past activities and provide inputs to the National WaSH Cluster for revising strategies and action plans accordingly, and identify potential capacity gaps to be addressed by the National and Sub-National WaSH Cluster
    • Undertake regular monitoring visits to all Focus Area districts, following the WaSH Cluster monitoring framework (encourage peer monitoring where appropriate)
    • Coordinate and promote the development of partner and local authorities’ capacity for WaSH emergency program implementation by regularly conducting capacity gap analysis (supported by the National Cluster)
    • Liaise with the National WaSH Cluster to help ensure the capacity for WaSH emergency response is enhanced based on the mapping of available capacity (and gaps)
    • Support efforts to strengthen the capacity of cluster partners and local authorities on emergency WaSH response
    • Support cluster partners in identification of core advocacy concerns, including resource requirements, and communicate those to the National WASH Cluster
    • Facilitate gathering feedback from beneficiaries to help ensure that responses are focused on affected populations, and that humanitarian WASH actors are aware of and use the AAP as well as participatory and community-based approaches in their planning, implementation and monitoring


    • SI Field Coordinator in Dnipro as line manager, complying to security measures and any other relevant requirements
    • National WaSH Cluster Coordinator who will ensure the post holder has all necessary support and guidance
    • WaSH Cluster participants, who will in turn ensure that they deliver on their agreed minimum commitments (see IASC Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at Country Level)
    • Information management team who will support in line with their terms of reference
    • Sub-national inter-cluster coordination bodies established by the HCT/UNOCHA
    • Affected populations through agreed mechanisms
    • To SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL who is the hosting NGO of this position and will support this posting logistically. The post holder will have to follow SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL Internal Staff Regulations including security guide-lines and procedures where not otherwise agreed between the UNOCHA WASH Cluster and SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL


    • Studies: Technical diploma or certificate related to Water/Sanitation/Public Health or Building/civil engineering
    • Experience: Experience on humanitarian project management, partnerships and relations with National/Local Authorities. Experience on working in INGO or Local NGO. 
    • Language : English – C1, Uranian – B2
    • IT:  MS Excel and Word programmes, including preparation of reports tables, charts, graphs and presentations.
    • Qualification:
    • Understands the rationalebehind Humanitarian Reform, its main components, and recent developments including the Transformative Agenda. 
    • Understands, uses and adapts the tools, mechanisms and processes developed as part of Humanitarian Reform.
    • Commitment to Humanitarian Principles and Principles of Partnership.
    • Commitment to the WaSH Cluster and independence from the employing organization.
    • Technical competences 
    • Understands key technical WaSH issues for the cluster to enable engagement with cluster participants; and to understand their cluster-specific information management needs.
    • Soft skills: Strategic thinking and action. Communicability, leadership qualities, the ability to establish relationships with a wide range of people and institutions. Analytical skills in the framework of ensuring the quality development of the WaSH program and contextual analysis


    • Place of work: office at the address: Dnipro, possible business trips to other oblast’s
    • Contract: fixed-term contract (according to Ukrainian legislation) 
    • Type of employment: full-time
    • Salary: 3165 EURO gross (Before the taxation, paid in UAH according to the monthly rate of the bank of the European Commission).
    • Additionally:  paid vacation 31 calendar days, paid family leave, life insurance

    Thank to send your application with cover letter in English

    Application closing date: November 15, 2024.

    Without experience
    Full-time work
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