? Normal "> At the end of 2024, our network had more than 1,600 stores, 4 logistics hubs and more than 14,000 Auropens in the Ukrainian team; More than 30 shops and over 200 Aurovians in Romania team. Initiatives. Aurora Training Center helps to pump the necessary HARD and Soft Skills, as well as we have a program of compensation for the cost of training on external educational platforms! 700 "> Your key problems: Support for users; span> Reception of IT equipment, according to pri
? Normal "> At the end of 2024, our network had more than 1,600 stores, 4 logistics hubs and more than 14,000 Auropens in the Ukrainian team; More than 30 shops and over 200 Aurovians in Romania team. Initiatives. Aurora Training Center helps to pump the necessary HARD and Soft Skills, as well as we have a program of compensation for the cost of training on external educational platforms! 700 "> Your key problems:
- Support for users; span>
- Reception of IT equipment, according to primary documents and storage of this equipment in the warehouse; style = "font-style: normal; FONT-Weight: 400 "> IT installation/dismantling in the warehouse, office premises; span>
- Cables (Optoklone, steam, coaxial cable) by SCS standards in the warehouse and office space;
- Installation/Replace IT equipment in server cabinets. span>
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