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Senior TypeScript / Node.js developer @ Biomedion in Biomedion

3 September




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Without experience
Full-time work
Backend Node.js (with Geonix framework), PostgreSQL for databases, Elasticsearch for full-text indexing. Frontend React (with react-admin), HTML, SCSS, Typescript, Apps (Run+, Watch+, Storage+, AD+). Tools Postman: design, build, test, and collaborate on APIs, DBeaver: SQL client software application, VS Code: code editor, Microsoft Remote Desktop: connect to remote PC, WireGuard: communication protocol (VPN), Docker: OS virtualisation software, Cypress: test automation software


  • Node.js (with Geonix framework),
  • PostgreSQL for databases,
  • Elasticsearch for full-text indexing.


  • React (with react-admin),
  • HTML,
  • SCSS,
  • Typescript,
  • Apps (Run+, Watch+, Storage+, AD+).


  • Postman: design, build, test, and collaborate on APIs,
  • DBeaver: SQL client software application,
  • VS Code: code editor,
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop: connect to remote PC,
  • WireGuard: communication protocol (VPN),
  • Docker: OS virtualisation software,
  • Cypress: test automation software,
  • Grafana K6: software for creating and running load tests,
  • PgAdmin: development platform for PostgreSQL,
  • iTerm: terminal emulator for macOS,
  • DB Browser for SQLite: tool to create, search, and edit SQLite database files,
  • Kibana: software for visualization,
  • Bitbucket: source code repository hosting,
  • Sonatype Nexus repository: binary and artifact management.
,[software development , being Scrum master , task splitting , planning and planning review , team leading]

Requirements: Node.js, PostgreSQL, HTML, React, SCSS, TypeScript
Additionally: Sport subscription, Training budget, Private healthcare.

Without experience
Full-time work
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