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Senior project officer (Senior Project Officer - CCCM (Site Management Support)) in ACTED

Posted more than 30 days ago




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Without experience
Full-time work
ACTED is a French NGO founded in 1993 that supports vulnerable populations affected by humanitarian crises around the world. ACTED provides ongoing support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and preparedness for the long-term challenges facing populations to break the cycle of poverty, promote development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our employees are always ready to respond to emergency situations, support and restore sustainable deve

ACTED is a French NGO founded in 1993 that supports vulnerable populations affected by humanitarian crises around the world. ACTED provides ongoing support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and preparedness for the long-term challenges facing populations to break the cycle of poverty, promote development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our employees are always ready to respond to emergency situations, support and restore sustainable development through 450 projects in 43 countries.

Job Purpose

Since 2015, ACTED has been responding to the emergency and long-term needs of vulnerable, marginalized and conflict-affected populations in Ukraine. As part of its portfolio, ACTED implements multiple projects aimed at improving the quality of life, safety, and dignity of displaced people, ensuring the best possible protection and assistance services to IDPs living in collective sites across the country.

The CCCM Senior Project Officer is mainly tasked with the daily supervision of the SMS team and for the implementation of project activities in sites receiving ACTED support. Programmatic activities include, but are not limited to, coordination with stakeholders (humanitarian agencies, site managers, and local authorities); communication and engagement with IDPs in and outside collective sites; organization of capacity building activities for humanitarian stakeholders; service delivery monitoring at the site level and information management; provision of material assistance to IDPs living in and outside of collective sites (repair works and site maintenance, distributions of humanitarian aid). The successful candidate will operate under the direct management of ACTED Area Coordinator or his/her direct representatives in the field, with the support and guidance by the Project Coordinator.

The CCCM Senior Project Officer is responsible for development and execution of monthly work plan, delivery of quality activities against financial and time constraints and regular reporting to the Area Coordinator and the Project Coordinator.


 Activities implementation (technical areas)

Coordination and monitoring support to collective sites

  • Liaising and coordination with all humanitarian partners and stakeholders working in the sites.
  • Participate in coordination meeting with Sub National clusters (primarily CCCM, Shelter and Protection if needed).
  • Develop and implement a schedule of visits to collective sites for monitoring and identification of gaps in service provision.
  • Timely reporting any gaps and/or duplication in service delivery and advocating through the appropriate mechanism for achieving agreed minimum standards and service delivery quality.
  • Regular updates of monitoring tools (4W table/service mapping, Gap Analysis Matrix, contact lists, etc.). 

 Community liaison, mobilisation, and accountability in collective sites

  • Promote regular communication between ACTED staff and site residents, either through individual consultations or community meetings.
  • Support the management of information desks and Complaint and Feedback Mechanism (CFM), including collection, analysis, and response to appeals received from site residents.
  • Overseeing the organization of information and socialization activities in collaboration with local partners. 

 Capacity building activities

  • Carry out a Learning Needs Assessment and report development.
  • Support planning and execution of training activities, including identification of trainees, venues, procurement and attend training events.
  • Create training report.

 Rehabilitation works and site maintenance (in and outside collective sites)

  • Support needs assessment and support the selection of works that benefit the site population and are cost-effective. 
  • Supporting the Engineer in preparing plans for centre works as well as preparation of accurate BoQs and forms for the procurement of construction material and/or outsourcing of works. 
  • Monitor the implementation of works by site infrastructure team and/or contractors as needed. 

 Support to in-Kind Distribution (in and outside collective sites)

  • Support the team in collecting needs for hygiene items, non-standard NFIs and other types of humanitarian assistance. 
  • Support in the procurement process, including preparation of internal documents and forms to launch purchase.
  • Supervise distribution of in-kind assistance, including collection of supporting documents and update ofinternal trackers. 
  • Support in managing in kind items in stock, assuring that items and their transportation to site are adequately planned and stock exhausted.
  • Working directly with sites’ residents and managers to promote transparency in the distribution of the assistance, including regular monitoring of use of transferred values and support to MEAL team during internal review.

 Protection mainstreaming

  • Considering gender, protection, and GBV concerns in all aspects of activities.
  • Promoting of and adhering to Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse policy and guidelines (for centre residents, ACTED staff, partner agencies, casual labours).
  • Supporting and promoting participation of women, youth, people with specific needs and marginalised groups.
  • Referring to and following up with protection partners on identification and addressing of cases of vulnerability within the site.
  • Ensure that principles of data confidentiality are respected in information management activities and that sensitive data of beneficiaries are protected when stored or shared if strictly necessary.   
  • Ensuring that all centre maintenance and infrastructure interventions are carried out through a vulnerability lens and whenever centre maintenance activities are implemented, always consider accessibility to infrastructure and inclusion of people with specific needs. 

Project management and reporting 

Planning, Implementation and Reporting 

  • Developing weekly and long-term work plans for the project implementation, set direction by prioritizing and organizing activities and resources to achieve project objectives and ensuring regular follow-ups on plans implementation.
  • Organizing regular staff internal meetings. 
  • Timely reporting on problems and challenges in the centre to line manager and to the project coordinator (e.g. activities implementation, urgent complaints and concern raised by the community etc).
  • Timely submission of internal reports (weekly, monthly and ad hoc donor reporting).
  • Supporting MEAL activities during project evaluation and addressing recommendation to enhance effectiveness of project activities and maximize impacts. 

Information Management

  • Regular update of the internal information management tools (dashboards, trackers, etc.), ensure that data collected are timely recorded and are of good quality.
  • Overseeing information management activities and information sharing with partners and stakeholders to improve coordination.


  • Send accurate and precise order forms in a timely manner.
  • Confirm quality of material selection if and when applicable. 
  • Ensure a proper management and use of the project assets and stocks.
  • Plan team movements based on available fleet and applicable policies.

Transparency and Compliance 

  • Ensuring compliance to ACTED internal procedures and donor procedures.
  • Accurate record keeping of project documentation, including photos and proper filing of meeting minutes, attendance sheets, assessment reports/documents, review and updating of databases etc., in soft and hard copy.

Human resources

  • Participation in recruitment of new staff.
  • Support in hiring and management of daily labour.
  • Ensure that staff is actively following their TORs and abiding by ACTED’s Code of Conduct.
  • Identification of capacity-building needs and opportunities of the team, to achieve these through support or training in coordination with Area Coordinator/TC/HR department. 
  • Ensure a positive working environment and good team dynamics. 
  • Undertake regular appraisals of staff.


  • Provide translation of various documents (e.g. reports, minutes, beneficiary lists, information signs) upon needs.
  • Perform any additional task as requested by the line manager.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Number of project targets achieved in timely manner and within budget.
  • Number of timely internal (e.g. service monitoring, training, election reports) and external (e.g. weekly CCCM reports, centre indicators) reports submitted
  • Records and documents (incl. donation certificates, attendance sheets, meeting minutes, assessment/monitoring reports) available and properly stored (soft and hard copies)


  • University Degree in management or relevant disciplines.
  • At least 2 years’ experience in project management, preferably in an INGO/NGO setting.
  • Knowledge of the Ukrainian humanitarian context.
  • Understanding of humanitarian principles, Code of Conduct 
  • Preferable knowledge in either (or multiple) of the following fields of intervention: CCCM, WASH, Shelter/NFIs, Protection programming.
  • Experience of project cycle management and application of related tools.
  • The ability for rapid analysis of very complex issues, strong decision-making, and translation of programmatic learning and priorities into operational strategies.
  • Good team leadership and conflict resolution skills, consensus team building, and adaptability.
  • Good computer and IT skills and strong communication and writing skills.
  • Fluent in English, Russian and Ukrainian. 
  • High level of flexibility and motivation.


  • Офіційне працевлаштування згідно законодавства України;
  • Конкурентна офіційна заробітна плата, визначена тарифною сіткою ACTED;
  • Регулярна оцінка роботи та підвищення заробітної плати;
  • 28 робочих днів оплачуваної відпустки на рік;
  • Дружня міжнародна команда професіоналів;
  • Можливість розвитку кар'єри;
  • Медична страховка після 3 місяців роботи з ACTED.

Увага! Згідно чинного законодавства, при працевлаштуванні військовозобов'язані громадяни України зобов'язані надати військово-облікові документи та оновити свої військово-облікові дані.

Attention! Per current legislation, individuals subject to military service duty must provide updated military registration documents while being employed.

Подача заявки:

Зацікавлені кандидати повинні надіслати резюме англійською aбо українською мовою вказавши в темі листа посаду, на яку претендують (повідомлення без вказання посади не розглядатимуться). Тільки вибрані кандидати будуть запрошені на співбесіду. ACTED — роботодавець рівних можливостей.


“ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH). Please note that any candidate offered a job will sign the Code of Conduct, and related policies, as part of their work contract. Misconduct can lead to dismissal.”

Without experience
Full-time work
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