DL Solution -National FMCG-jerk. Provides comprehensive distribution and logistics services and provides supply of goods in Food and Nonfood categories. Distributor portfolio is formed by tobacco products, tobacco-containing products for electronic heating, tobacco heating IQOS and GLO, electronic cigarettes, alcoholic and non-alcoholic products, lighters, matches and other depository products. ; FONT-WIGHT: 400 "> Join you!
Higher education be part of the DL Solution: Perspective . DL Solution reveals ample opportunities for career growth and professional development. reliably. dl Solution provides stability and reliability. Cognitive. dl Solution provides opportunities for continuous improvement Participant in sectoral projects and events. safe. . Choosing DL Solution, you will be able to professionally grow, learn and introduce your own ideas in a stable working environment. FONT-Weight: 400 "> We are waiting for you! Department of Personnel Department