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Project monitoring and evaluation specialist in Podilska agenciya regionalnogo rozvitku, Gromadska organizaciya

Posted more than 30 days ago


Podilska agenciya regionalnogo rozvitku, Gromadska organizaciya

Podilska agenciya regionalnogo rozvitku, Gromadska organizaciya

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work
The non-governmental organization "Podilskyi Regional Development Agency" invites you to participate in the competition for the position of a specialist / specialist in monitoring and evaluation of the project "Improving the involvement and integration of teenagers who have suffered from the war in the host communities", which is implemented with the support of the humanitarian agency Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe.Monitoring and evaluation specialist is responsible for proper monitoring of project

The non-governmental organization "Podilskyi Regional Development Agency" invites you to participate in the competition for the position of a specialist / specialist in monitoring and evaluation of the project "Improving the involvement and integration of teenagers who have suffered from the war in the host communities", which is implemented with the support of the humanitarian agency Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe.

Monitoring and evaluation specialist is responsible for proper monitoring of project implementation progress. Collects, processes and analyzes data by conducting telephone interviews and monitoring visits to clients. This position assumes 80% employment. Hiring procedure: employment contract for 6 months with the possibility of extension.

Main duties:

- Facilitating the implementation of project activities and assisting in the implementation of key activities.

- Regular monitoring of project objects, provision of timely feedback and action planning.

- Improvement of the system for evaluating the results of the implemented project together with the project team.

- Checking the implementation of the project at its various stages.

- Conducting telephone surveys.

- Conducting and organizing focus groups.

- Carrying out monitoring visits to clients .

- Participation in the development of monitoring and evaluation tools.

- Processing and analysis of the received data.

- Discussion of the results and necessary actions together with the project team.

- Ensuring proper functioning of the project monitoring and evaluation system.

- Participation in the preparation of reports and presentations for donors, partners, project management.

- Identification and solving problems at different stages of the project.

- Knowledge and compliance with the policies of the organization, taking into account policies in the field of humanitarian aid and compliance with the rights of clients.

Qualification requirements:< /p>

1. Complete higher education.

2. Work experience in a similar position from 2 years in public organizations.

3. Knowledge of the basics of project management, project activities and methods and technology of project evaluation.

4. Fluency in Ukrainian and English.

Skills and abilities:

- Ability to plan and prioritize work.

- Excellent organizational skills abilities.

- Excellent written and oral communication skills.

- Ability to quickly, competently and interestingly prepare and present information about the project.

- Ability to analyze data and draw conclusions.

- Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, search engines, Internet, etc.).

We offer:< /p>

  • experience working in a professional team;
  • full-time work;
  • separate workplace;
  • market salary level;< /li>
  • modern secure office.

To participate in the competition, please submit:

    < li>Summary (up to 3 pages in Ukrainian or English);
  1. Motivation letter (no more than 1 page in English), in which you describe:

а) your experience according to this announcement,

b) competences,

c) contacts of two people who can provide a recommendation.

Summary, letters of interestinformation and any questions regarding the competition and working conditions, please send to the e-mail address: [email protected]

In the subject of the letter, indicate " Vacancy for a project monitoring and evaluation specialist".

Candidates selected for an interview will be notified by email. Selected candidates must be ready to provide additional documents that can prove the qualification and motivation of the candidate, such as copies of diplomas, certificates, contracts, letters of recommendation.

Contact information:

Website: http://pard.

4c2ZFNWhtcm4xeHhpS1B4d3NncGxxaFJkRFpodjIwMUdWNHkwS2xqbE1fRE9YSUdKcU1TREQyM2xHakkyWm1 mMVpBZjF3UlM3VFFKM2YzOHoyWVg3MEFUTXU1N3cyazFWN0J6WkxXNG5wM05nTHkzbkdJUzBKOHFqUm95bnV vYTZTQ2l2N0ZFN1h3djNfcnU5THFMSDc4UmU4bDFvT1gyTk1VT3Q1X2ZnVlpEWldhcktBUGtXd2tPYTRrWm01UDdqa1hWN0x6VTg1bHhQeTlfdEc5M2IzazR6cmIzSVoyM1VsM3cmX190bl9fPS0lNWRLLXktUiIsIl ZhY2FuY3lJZCI6MTAyMDUyMTJ9" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=" _blank">

Phone number: +380432 69 44 32

E-mail address: [email protected]

Without experience
Full-time work
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