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Project Assistant/Project Assistant in Terre des hommes Ukraine

Posted more than 30 days ago


Terre des hommes Ukraine

Terre des hommes Ukraine

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Without experience
Full-time work
Helperproject Terre des hommes Ukraine is looking for a proactive, energetic and organized project assistant to join our team in Ivano-Frankivsk, to support and implement our projects. If you are looking for meaningful work that will have a lasting impact on children's lives, we want to meet you. Start date : as soon as possibleContract: until January 31, 2025 (with the possibility of extension) Probationary period:< font style="vertical-align: inherit"> 3 monthsSalary: attractive salary, privat


Terre des hommes Ukraine is looking for a proactive, energetic and organized project assistant to join our team in Ivano-Frankivsk, to support and implement our projects. If you are looking for meaningful work that will have a lasting impact on children's lives, we want to meet you.

Start date : as soon as possible

Contract: until January 31, 2025 (with the possibility of extension)

Probationary period:< font style="vertical-align: inherit"> 3 months

Salary: attractive salary, private health and accident life insurance.

Location: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Deadline applications: recruitment will continue until the vacancy is filled


Terre des hommes (Tdh) is a leading Swiss charity for children. Since 1960, Tdh has been helping to build a better future for children and young people, especially those most at risk, by offering innovative and sustainable solutions. Working in more than 30 countries, Tdh focuses on maternal and child health, migration and access to justice for children.

In Ukraine, since 2015, Tdh has been providing various services to children, youth and their families in the conflict-affected territory, with a special emphasis on psychosocial support.

Для отримання додаткової інформації, пожалуйста, відвідайте


Метою посади є підтримка Фахівця з управління справами з проектами місії.


  • Виконувати доручення керівника проекту.
  • Ведення первинної документації Фонду, ведення баз даних Фонду.
  • Сприяти розробці інструментів оцінювання та оцінювання (анкет, форм заявок тощо)
  • Моніторинг реалізації програм партнерами Місії.
  • Проведення моніторингу якості реалізованих заходів.
  • Ведення переговорів з партнерами Місії, надання консультацій щодо Програм, які реалізує Місія.
  • Підтримка керівника проекту та офіцерів у проведенні тренінгів, сесій та інших заходів.
  • Взаємодія з органами місцевої влади для визначення потреб ВПО, можливої співпраці.


Education/qualification < strong>: Higher education in social sciences, humanities or related discipline / Formal education/training, may be compensated by experience (at the discretion of the assessment team) ;

Work experience:< /p>

  • Work experience in a similar position for at least 1 year;
  • Previous experience in providing social services, responding to emergency situations;
  • Experience working in a highly collaborative environment with minimal direct management in a complex regional environment;

Knowledge of languages: Fluency in Ukrainian and Russian, ability to communicate and conduct business communication. Knowledge of English is an advantage.

Knowledge in the field of IT:< /font> Experience in using office software and systems (Microsoft Office; MS Windows; Internet, Server, LINUX)


Send your application you can (resume and motivation letter) to [email protected] In the subject line of the e-mail, please indicate the position "Project Assistant".  

< p>Child Safeguarding Policy:

< p>In order to notice, Tdh Risk Management Policies, including child areas of security, protection and protection policies and Anti-Fraud/Corporate Policy, Blowi Rebellionng Policy.

GDPR compliance:

By sending your application, you can indicate that your personal data will be used in the recruitment process. All documents will be used at various stages of the recruitment process only to be used for this purpose.

All the means established in recruitment and selection are a mitigation of the fact that the protection of human rights apply, and that individual information will be confidential. As per our policy, we have to manage our documents for recruitment period only.

Before the anticipated high number of applications, Tdh is not in a position to respond to every applicant individually. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be notified for the first interview.

Project Assistant

Terre des hommes is for an active, energetic, and organized Project Assistant, to his team in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, to support in the execution of his projects.  

If you think about a gym experience, what will relentless impact on children's lives, we would like to live.

Start dateas soon as possible

Contract  by the end of January 2025, local, full-time Employment Contract, renewable.< /font>

Probation period  < font style="vertical-align: inherit">3 months

Ремунерація package  attractive salary, private health insurance, support for professional development

Місцезнаходження  Ivano-Frankivsk, Україна

Deadline for applications  recruitment will be ongoing until position is occupied



Terre des hommes (Tdh) is leading Swiss organization for children's aid. Since 1960, Tdh був сприятливий для майбутнього майбутнього для дітей і людей, особливо для того, щоб most exposed до ризиків, роблячи impact with innovative і sustainable solutions. Active in more than 30 countries, Tdh works with its own teams and/or local and international partners to develop and implementation field projects which significantly improve the daily lives of over million children and members of their communities every year, with focus on mother і дитяче здоров'я, migration, і доступ до життя для дітей. 

У Європі, Tdh strives to ensure full realisation of children's rights, equally і без discrimination. Ми є present в Albania, Kosovo, Moldova, Rumania, Ukraine, Hungary, і Greece, при цьому разом з партнерами, ми бачимо дітей в інших 14 європейських країнах. 

Tdh started operations in Ukraine in 2015 and operated until February 2022 через 2 operational offices в Mariupol і Sievierodonetsk, while maintaining a coordination/representation office in Kyiv. Засвоєння вторгнення України в Російську Федерацію Army, Tdh team був переміщений в Ivano Frankivsk, де він перейнявся в територію Західного регіону, який є першим операційним основою для відповіді до сучасної humanitarian crisis. Організація є залучення до роботи в Києві і навколишніх областях і потенційно в East Ukraine. Вони забезпечують різні послуги для дітей, людей і їхніх родин в конкретних умовах, з сильним фокусом на психологічному підтримці.

 For more information, please check   


Ця позиція є національною позицією. Поліція знаходиться в Ivano - Frankivsk city, Україна з регулярними заходами в регіонах Tdh operations в країні.                    

Створення позицій полягає в підтримці Project Manager of activity mission projects. 



  1. Щоб виконати інструкції Project Manager;
  2. Maintenance of Fund's primary documentation, management of the Fund's databases;
  3. Monitoring the implementation of programs by the Fund's partners;
  4. Monitoring of IDP Compact Settlement Centers;
  5. Виконання розслідувань з Fund's partners, providing consultations on the Programs implemented by the Fund;
  6. Control over the delivery of humanitarian aid, monitoring the needs of IDPs;
  7. Interaction with local authorities to determine the needs of IDPs, possible cooperation.



Formal education / training, may be compensated with experience (at discretion of evaluation team)

Advance IT knowledge (hardware and software, Microsoft Office, Internet).

Experience with NGOs is not applicable.

Significant organizational and time management skills.

Experience in team management.

Experience in emergency response is appreciated.

Skills : 

Qualities required: organized, negation, proactive, autonomous, rigorous, analytical, willingness and motivation to work in an international and intercultural context, diplomacy, communication skills, sense of human relations.

Desirable: in order to correctly driving license is an asset.

Languages< font style="vertical-align: inherit">:

Fluent in Ukrainian and English (written and spoken).


Some adaptations are involved in the execution of their application (CV and motivation in English) to [email protected] "Project Assistant" email title details. < /strong>


Child Safeguarding Policy:

In order to , to notice, Tdh Risk Management Policies, including the child of security, protection and protection policy and anti-fraud/corpus policy, insurgency Blowing Policy. 

GDPR compliance< /u>:

When sending your application, you can indicate that your personal data will be used in the recruitment process. All documents will be used at various stages of the recruitment process only for this purpose. 

All tools installed in recruitment and selection are pom ensuring that the protection of human rights apply, and that individual information will be kept confidential. As per our policy, we have to manage our documents for recruitment only period. 

Due to an anticipated high number of applications, Tdh is not in a position to respond to each applicant individually. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be co

Without experience
Full-time work
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