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Maritime security officer (MSC Cruises) in World of Seamen Group

Posted more than 30 days ago


World of Seamen Group

World of Seamen Group

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Without experience
Full-time work

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LLC "WORLD OF SEAMEN GROUP"offers free employment for the positions of guards in maritime security for WOMEN and MENOpen vacancies: Cruise liner guard / Military or non-military cargo ship security / Port guardsContracts from 3 to 6 months.Medical insurance policy.Flight on account employer.Requirements: English is spoken confidently.A candidate must have one of the following experience:Work experience in customs and fiscal authorities, border service, law enforcement agenciesConditional service

LLC "WORLD OF SEAMEN GROUP"offers free employment for the positions of guards in maritime security for WOMEN and MEN

Open vacancies: Cruise liner guard / Military or non-military cargo ship security / Port guards

  • Contracts from 3 to 6 months.
  • Medical insurance policy.
  • Flight on account employer.


  • English is spoken confidently.

A candidate must have one of the following experience:

  • Work experience in customs and fiscal authorities, border service, law enforcement agencies
  • Conditional service and service in the armed forces of Ukraine
  • Experience in airline registration and service services
  • Good physical shape
  • Responsibility, poise, executive discipline, learning ability, sociability, stress resistance


  • Ensuring security on board MSC Cruises ships, readiness to prevent any incidents that may affect order and safety on board.
  • Execution of passenger safety control, manual luggage, cargo, baggage and crew members with the help of technical means of security control, the method of physical control and other methods of control.
  • Conducting quality security control and detection of prohibited substances and objects.

If you would like to participate in an interview, please send your applications in advance.

Interviews are held online or at the address: Odesa, Str. 66/1, Office in B.C. Kadorr.

Employment is free!

You can view more detailed information about vacancies, requirements, duties and salary on our website:


+38 068 221 03 14

+38 067 548 25 26

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Without experience
Full-time work
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