Simonenko S.S., FOP
startup with the EU team and sales 1 million euro. span>
if you have 5% in a successful startup, The proportion can be sold for $ 50,000 + span>
also a startup is quite highly appreciated Startups span>
Highlight the time for development! = "font-weight: 700; font-style: normal" FONT-WIGHT: 400 ">-Working with all AWS technologies (we have $ 25,000 loans) span>
-Free Business School Startup Possibility (Acseler) span>
- paid work after startSales and Extension
-help with your projects. from team participants (we have expertise in advertising, sales, branding, strategies) span>
= "font-weight: 700"/> span>
Server (Python, Fastapi, SQLIGHT) span>
Let's see in our team. FONT-STYLE: Normal "/>
P.S. Bitcoin was also once a clean adventure and they paid for pizza span>