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Intersectoral interaction trainer at the Ukrainian Network for Children's Rights in Ukrayinska Merezha za prava ditini, GS

Posted more than 30 days ago


Ukrayinska Merezha za prava ditini, GS

Ukrayinska Merezha za prava ditini, GS

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Without experience
Ukrainian Network for Children's Rights (hereinafter - UMPD)created to consolidate efforts and improve coordination between civil society organizations in Ukraine and their influence on state policy in the field of child rights.Duties:- creation of a three-day training program on the topic: "Application of the order of intersectoral interaction in practice", which will include a theoretical part and practical tasks aimed at understanding the basics of intersectoral interaction and developing coo

Ukrainian Network for Children's Rights (hereinafter - UMPD)created to consolidate efforts and improve coordination between civil society organizations in Ukraine and their influence on state policy in the field of child rights.


- creation of a three-day training program on the topic: "Application of the order of intersectoral interaction in practice", which will include a theoretical part and practical tasks aimed at understanding the basics of intersectoral interaction and developing cooperation skills between different sectors for employees of the subjects of interaction, providers of social services, state authorities and local governments, preparation of visual methodical materials using project presentation forms for work;

- holding a three-day training in the communities of the Volyn region (Holobsk, Kamin-Kashirsk, Lokachynsk, Manevytsk, Olytsk, Pidgaitsivsk, Rozhishchensk, Poromivsk, Turiya and Ustiluzka) on the application of the order of intersectoral interaction in practice using interactive methods : group discussions, role-playing games, case studies, discussions, modeling of real ones situations.

-conducting an evaluation of the effectiveness of the training with the help of questionnaires, tests or feedback from the participants, to assess the level of changes in the understanding of intersectoral interaction and the readiness of the participants to cooperate between sectors and participate in the development of intersectoral protocols, based on the results of the training, create recommendations for further development of intersectoral cooperation in society;

- upon completion of the events, reporting to the Organizer (programme of the event, lists of participants, presentations, feedback questionnaires, photos, etc.).


- higher education in the relevant field of study

- at least 5 years of coaching experience;

- general experience in the field of social services and social work of 5-10 years;

- have a positive experienceconducting events for social service providers, members of interdisciplinary teams from 3 to 5 years, including online;

- experience in developing applications trainings on the application of the order of intersectoral interaction in practice;

a high level of knowledge of national legislation on the protection of children's rights, the creation and provision of social services;

- excellent presentation/teaching/documentation skills.

Terms of use:

  • opportunity to become part of a big important project;

  • < li style="font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none">

    new tasks and professional challenges;

  • format of contract work according to the number of expert days;

  • payment based on interview results.

If you are ready to join our team, please send:

  • cover letter with contacts of two organizations/persons for references

  • summary

  • completed tender proposal (sample attached)

with subject «Intersectoral interaction trainer__Прізвище»  до 01 грудня 2024 року 

на електронну адресу: [email protected] та [email protected]

Кандидат(-ка) повинен(-на) мати можливість приступити до роботи  якнайшвидше.

УМПД розглядатиме лише повні аплікації і контактуватиме лише з кандидатами/ками, які відібрані для співбесіди.

При наявності, УМПД може залучити успішного фахівця(-чиню) до закінчення фінального строку подачі заявок.

Without experience
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