Collection, analysis, formation of financial indicators, a very interesting job for a financier. A lot of interesting analytical information for the formation of visibility. For a capable financier who is interested in working. weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual statistics of various indicators); Building and further use of the control system of planned to actual indicators by cost items;Preparation and the distribution of planned sales indicators, both for the network as a whole and their
Collection, analysis, formation of financial indicators, a very interesting job for a financier. A lot of interesting analytical information for the formation of visibility.
For a capable financier who is interested in working.
weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual statistics of various indicators);
Building and further use of the control system of planned to actual indicators by cost items;
Preparation and the distribution of planned sales indicators, both for the network as a whole and their distribution by clubs; Analysis of statistical information in dynamics to identify trends and dependencies;
p style="font-style: normal; font-weight: 400">· Preparation of reports upon requestsfrom other units.·
Excel confident user , construction and use of summary tables and methods of processing arrays of information;
Modeling of changes and business planning;
Requirements for candidates:
- Education: university;
- Work experience: in< u>id 2 years on the position financial analyst, financial manager, economist, accountant, treasurer.
- PC knowledge (MS Office, 1C);
- Self-discipline and acceptance of responsibility, focus on results.
We offer:
- Work in a team of professionals and from business 'TOP 100 companies of Ukraine'
- Opportunityprofessional development;
- Clear and understandable KPI system;
- Non-trivial, interesting tasks within the business;
- The possibility to implement professional ambition;
- Opportunity to apply your talents and key knowledge;
Opportunity for free do sports in SPORTLIFE sports complexes.
Work in a comfortable office near the Hippodrome metro station.
SPORTLIFE. You are a strong country!
Decent level of income< /em>, interesting tasks, system business, stable work, interesting team!
Visit our website -
Sports clubs are currently open SPORTLIFE.