Ukrayinska Merezha za prava ditini, GS
Ukrainian Network for Children's Rights (hereinafter - UMPD)created to consolidate efforts and improve coordination between civil society organizations in Ukraine and their influence on state policy in the field of child rights.
- conduct an assessment of the existing system of ensuring the best interests of the child in the Volyn region in cooperation with the regional working group to identify shortcomings in the processes of interaction between various institutions, bodies and organizations working with children;< p>-to determine which institutions and services are involved in providing services to children, as well as to determine the degree of their cooperation and coordination, to determine the problems that arise in the process of interaction between authorities, institutions and organizations working with children and their families;-together with the regional working group to assess the effectiveness of existing gatekeeping mechanisms that allow children to have access to necessary services (collection and analysis of statistical data, identification of weak points in the system), to assess the level of coordination between sectors and the availability of standard operating procedures procedures for referring children to services;
-develop recommendations to improve gatekeeping mechanisms, in particular to eliminate identified problems in interaction between sectors, strengthen coordination between institutions and increase access to services for children;
-develop recommendations for strengthening the system of gatekeeping control and monitoring at the regional level, which will ensure timely provision of assistance and services to children in difficult life circumstances;
-propose mechanisms for integrating new measures and procedures into existing institutions and processes (for example, standardization of procedures for referring children to services, improving communication between organizations);
- based on the results of the assessment of the existing system of ensuring the best interests of the child in the Volyn region, conduct trainings for specialists of authorities and local self-government, including related sectors (for example, health care, education, justice), commissions on matters of protection of children's rights, guardianship and care authorities, services for children's affairs, at which to highlight and work out the developed recommendations for improving gatekeeping mechanisms in region;
- upon completion of reporting measures to the Authoritycongestion (draft recommendations, program of events, lists of participants, presentations, reports, photos, etc.).
- higher education in the relevant field of study
at least 5 years of coaching experience;
5-10 years of experience in the field of social services;- have a positive experienceconducting events forspecialists of authorities and local self-government, including related sectors from 3 to 5 years, including online;
- development experiencerecommendations for improving gatekeeping mechanisms;
- a high level of knowledge of national legislation on the protection of children's rights, creation and provision of social services;
- excellent presentation/teaching/documentation skills.
Terms of use:
opportunity to become part of a big important project;
new tasks and professional challenges;
format of work under the contract according to the number of expert days;
payment based on the results of the interview.
If you are ready to join our team, please send:
motivation letter with contacts of two organizations/persons for recommendations
replaced with a competitive proposition (image available span>)
with theme"Expert assessing the system for ensuring the best interests of children in the Volinsk region and conducting training on the results_ Nickname" until 01 April 2024 Roku
to email address:[email protected]ta[email protected]
The candidate is responsible for the opportunity to begin work as soon as possible.
UMPD is only visible to external applications and is in contact with candidates/s who are selected for interviews.
If obvious, UMPD can obtain a successful accountant before the end of the final application submission period.