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Deputy MHPSS Coordinator in Premiere Urgence Internationale

Posted more than 30 days ago


Premiere Urgence Internationale

Premiere Urgence Internationale

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Without experience
Full-time work
Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI)   is a non-profit, non-political and non religious humanitarian NGO. PUI started humanitarian intervention in Ukraine in February 2015. The mission's objectives are to improve or restore equitable access to primary health care for the local and displaced population affected by the military conflict and to improve their living conditions by covering their fundamental needs.Place of work -    KyivGENERAL OBJECTIVEThe Deputy Mental Health and Psychosocial Suppo

Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI)   is a non-profit, non-political and non religious humanitarian NGO. PUI started humanitarian intervention in Ukraine in February 2015. The mission's objectives are to improve or restore equitable access to primary health care for the local and displaced population affected by the military conflict and to improve their living conditions by covering their fundamental needs.

Place of work -    Kyiv


The Deputy Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Coordinator is responsible for provision of support and assistance to the MHPSS Coordinator and will co-lead the MHPSS sector strategy implementation, program development, quality assurance, technical supervision, internal and external coordination, and administration for PUI’s mission in Ukraine in coordination with the other sectoral coordinators and coordination office colleagues, regional technical and operations teams. 


Support context analysis / strategy development

  1. Ensure monitoring and analysis of national MHPSS policies, program protocols, sectoral data, and key MHPSS actors in the country;
  2. Support with relevant MHPSS needs assessment required for PUI programming and project design;
  3. In collaboration with MHPSS Coordinator participate and support in the monitoring implementation of surveys, and reflect on the survey data in the development of MHPSS strategy and Programme planning;
  4. Support adaptation of MHPSS interventions based on PUI’s mission strategy, PUI’s Global MHPSS Intervention Framework, encouraging an integrated multi-sectoral approach in collaboration with MHPSS Coordinator;
  5. In the development of new MHPSS interventions, participate and support in the design of adapted activities with adequate technical relevance, ensure appropriateness of activities to community’s needs, support in the monitoring of logistical and budgetary support required for the realization of quality implementation, and regularly monitor qualitative and quantitative indicators relevant to the project intervention;
  6. Encourage and monitor quality of MHPSS interventions following IASC MHPSS principles, adherence to safe and dignified programming principles by project implementation teams, and other cross-cutting topics such as gender sensitivity and environmental issues and sectorial standards.

Monitor programs quality 

  1. Conduct regular technical supervision and monitoring meetings for MHPSS Staff (psychologists and supervisors, deputy PM MHPSS) under general MHPSS Coordinator overview in order to ensure that MHPSS implementation activities are in line with mission priorities and MHPSS Intervention Framework;
  2. Participate to field level technical supervision and monitoring meetings co-led by Deputy PM MHPSS to ensure MHPSS Providers are adequately guided and supported in the implementation protocols;
  3. Support adaptation of technical modalities, activity guidelines, SOPs, translated materials in local languages as used in the overall implementation and quality assurance of MHPSS interventions;
  4. In collaboration with field teams and MEAL department, ensure collation of project-wise PMT data, activity progress reports (qualitative and quantitative) on a monthly basis, as per the standards set out by the program;
  5. Provide timely feedback and alert to the Health Coordinator in the event of delays in field implementation, challenges faced by field teams, and suggest relevant adjustments with mitigation plan in terms of activities, area of intervention, targets, budget, implementation timeframe, etc.;
  6. Participate and support appropriate technical evaluations relevant to field implementation teams’ knowledge and skills, process audit of implementation activities, and broader impact analyses of MHPSS interventions, as required;
  7. Support harmonization and capitalization of internal knowledge management specific to PSS interventions through adapted evidence-based tools and practices, case-studies, and documented evidences from the field;
  8. Encourage experience and knowledge sharing within the PSS teams and actively contribute to the knowledge building of PSS component at mission level in coordination with MHPSS Coordinator;
  9. Ensure that projects, adapted methodologies, implementation procedures, and selection criteria pertinent to MHPSS set of interventions do not cause direct or indirect harm to intended beneficiaries, service providers/project teams in the follow-up to IASC MHPSS and protection mainstreaming principles.

Build capacity of the MHPSS team

  1. Contribute in the technical development of MHPSS training materials, activity guides, evaluation tools, project management tool, supervision checklists and support MHPSS Coordinator co-facilitate relevant trainings and monitor cascading of the trainings for quality and implementation purpose at all levels of staff;
  2. Prepare and implement appropriate pre- and post-test evaluations across thematic trainings in MHPSS and support MHPSS team and Deputy PMs in timely producing succinct training reports;
  3. Under the supervision of the MHPSS Coordinator, develop training needs analysis basis to practicalities of the field, overall understanding and capacities of implementation teams and organize well-rounded inclusive training calendar for the year to improve overall capacities and knowledge of field staff;
  4. As required and relevant, apart from technical trainings, focus on developing project management capacities, report-writing skills, data-management and data-analysis skills, supportive supervision framework for MHPSS Specialists and Deputy PMs;
  5. Foster MHPSS team’s understanding and adherence to PUI’s internal regulations, institutional policies and processes of the mission;
  6. Support and monitor development of individual action plans and capacity-building plans for MHPSS Specialists and Deputy PMs, and guide them do the same for PSS Providers following the set mandate and specific project requirements.

Logistics and Administration

  1. Provide advice, conduct analysis, and contribute to the budgeting process. Analyses log data as requested, and advocate for the needs of the MHPSS sector, among other responsibilities.
  2. Ensure up-to-date budget monitoring for the MHPSS component monthly, following analysis of any discrepancies brought to the attention of MHPSS Coordinator;
  3. Support in the hiring/recruitment of Deputy PMs, and MHPSS Providers following HR recruitment guidelines and standards, adhering to the procedures conducting appropriate tests and interviews in collaboration with project-specific teams, and preparing necessary HR documentation;
  4. Support induction of new team members (MHPSS Providers, Deputy PMs), ensuring their overall understanding of MHPSS intervention procedures and protocols.

Program representation

  1. Ensure and coordinate the sectoral representation of PUI for the MHPSS sector at the national and regional levels, to different partners and local authorities; 
  2.  In the absence of MHPSS Coordinator, participate to PUI’s internal coordination meetings, as suggested and required, 
  3.  In the event of donor visit, play an active role in preparing and managing field orientation and activities as directed by the MHPSS Coordinator;
  4. Under the direct supervision of the MHPSS Coordinator, support and guide MHPSS teams in managing regular communication and coordination with local bodies, representatives of various groups for inclusive development of MHPSS interventions and overall acceptance of the same by larger beneficiary groups.
  5. Act as a key representative of PUI for the MHPSS sector at national and regional levels, ensuring coordination with partners, donors, and local authorities in collaboration with the MHPSS and other technical coordinators;

HR Management

  1.  Participating in recruitment process for the MHPSS team in the bases;
  2. Performance appraisal: Support in the appraisal process for the MHPSS team for the technical parts, specifically on the technical appraisals for the Deputy PM MHPS;
  3. Establish a capacity-building plan for the PUI MHPSS team to ensure ongoing professional development and skill enhancement;


Education Degree: Masters in Psychology and other relevant social sciences (preferably Clinical and/or Counselling Psychology, Social Work, Medicine with relevant experience in Psychiatry and clinical mental health).

Work experience: At least 5 years of relevant work experience, including leadership roles in MHPSS, GBV, and protection programming, ideally in conflict settings or humanitarian emergencies in I/NGOs.

Language Skills: Fluent in Ukrainian, Russian, and English.

Knowledge & skills: Understanding of standard evidence-base technical MHPSS package of services (IPT, PM+, Thinking Healthy, mhGAP-HIG, EMDR, TF-CBT, IYCF-e/MIYCN). Prior experience in dealing with migrants/displaced people, victims of conflicts, survivors of violence. Good level of project cycle management skills. Cultural and social understanding of MHPSS in Ukraine. Strong commitment to humanitarian principles with good peoples’ management skills. Excellent communication  and interpersonal skills.

Computer skills: Excellent MS-Office skills operating Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


Starting time: November 2024


Interested candidates please submit your CV in English.

Application should be sent before 30/11/2024

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 

PUI reserves the right to close the vacancy prior last day of application submission.

HR Manager


Прем'єр Уржанс Інтернасьональ (ПУІ) є неприбутковою, неполітично і нерелігійною гуманітарною неурядовою організацією. ПУІ розпочала гуманітарну діяльність в Україні в лютому 2015 р., маючи на меті відновлення та забезпечення доступу до первинних послуг охорони здоров'я для місцевого населення й внутрішньо переміщених осіб, що постраждали внаслідок озброєного конфлікту та покращення умов життя шляхом забезпечення їхніх базових потреб.

Місто роботи: м. Київ


Головними завданнями Заступника керівника з ПЗПСП є надання підтримки Керівнику з ПЗПСП при спільному впровадженні секторної стратегії, розвитку програмної діяльності, забезпеченні якості, технічному контролю, налагодженні внутрішньої та зовнішньої співпраці та адмініструванні місії ПУІ на території України разом з іншими керівниками сектору та колегами з координаційного оfisu, regional technical and operational teams. 


Context analysis/strategic development

  1. Conduct monitoring and analysis of state policies of the PZPSP sector, program protocols, sector data and key organizations operating in the PZPSP sector in Ukraine;
  2. Provide support in assessing the needs of the PZPSP sector for the development of programs and projects of PUI;
  3. Participate in determining the provisions of the cross-sectoral needs assessment together with the Head of the PESSP and the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Division team, development of survey tools and formats of data collection, monitoring of surveys, and analysis of the received data for the development of PUI strategies and program planning; 
  4. In cooperation with the Head of HCSP, assist in the adaptation of activities in the sector of mental health and psychosocial support, guided by the strategy of the mission of the PUI and the Comprehensive work plan of the PUI in the sector of PGPS, with the aim of implementing a cross-sectoral approach;
  5. Participate in the adaptation of new areas of work with the appropriate technical criteria when implementing programs from PZPSP, ensure compliance programs to the needs of the community, control the logistical and financial processes necessary for the high-quality implementation of the programs, regularly check the quantitative and qualitative project indicators;
  6. Ensure the high-quality implementation of programs from the PZPSP, adhering to the principles of the Interdepartmental Standing Committee on the PZPSP, the principles of mainstreaming protection and other cross-cutting issues such as gender sensitivity, environmental protection and sectoral compliance standards;

Program quality control

  1. Participate in technical control and, together with the Deputy Project Manager from PZPSP, conduct monitoring meetings under under the leadership of the Head of PZPSP, designed to ensure compliance with the priorities of the mission and the Comprehensive Work Plan during the implementation of programs; monitoring meetings designed to provide proper support and guidance on the implementation of protocols to the providers of PZPSP services;
  2. Support the adaptation of technical regulations, program implementation rules, standardized operating procedures and translated materials used in the implementation of activities and ensuring the quality of PZPSP programs ;
  3. Together with administrative and program teams and the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Unit, ensure comparison of project monitoring data and monthly activity progress reports (qualitative and quantitative) in accordance with program standards;
  4. Provide timely feedback and notify the Head of Medical Activity Support about delays in program implementation, challenges faced teams, and propose appropriate changes regarding work directions, activity implementation area, goals, budget, time frames, etc., and provide pлан пом’якшення ризиків у цих сферах;    
  5. Брати участь у якісному оцінюванні технічних знань та навичок програмних команд, проводити аудит програмної діяльності, та аналізувати вплив заходів з ПЗПСП за потребою;
  6. Сприяти впорядкуванню та накопиченню набутого досвіду в реалізації проєктів з ПСП за допомогою адаптованих доказових механізмів та практик, дослідженню випадків, та задокументованих доказів з місць реалізації діяльності. 
  7. У співпраці з Керівником з ПЗПСП заохочувати поширення набутого досвіду та знань між командами програм з ПСП та активно сприяти їхньому розвитку та досконалому розумінню напрямку ПСП на рівні місії;
  8. Забезпечити, щоб проєкти, адаптовані методології, процедури впровадження та критерії відбору, які застосовуються в програмній діяльності з ПЗПСП, жодним чином не нашкодили бенефіціарам та надавачам послуг/проєктним командам згідно з принципами Міжвідомчого постійного комітету з ПЗПСП та принципами мейнстримінгу захисту.

Посилення спроможностей команд ПЗПСП

  1. Брати участь в технічній розробці навчальних матеріалів з ПЗПСП, посібників з реалізації діяльності, інструментів оцінювання, інструментів управління проєктами, контрольного списку, а також спільно з Керівником з ПЗПСП проводити відповідні тренінги та слідкувати за змінами в якості тренінгів та їхній відповідності меті програми. 
  2. Готувати та проводити попереднє та кінцеве оцінювання проведених тренінгів з ПЗПСП, а також допомагати командам з ПЗПСП та Заступнику менеджера проєктів вчасно складати звіти;
  3. Під керівництвом Керівника з ПЗПСП розробити базу для аналізу потреб у навчанні з урахуванням практичних потреб на місцях, загального розуміння напрямку діяльності та можливостей програмних команд, та створити графік навчань на рік з метою посилення ефективності роботи та покращення знань працівників;
  4. За потреби, окрім проведення технічних тренінгів, розвивати ефективність в управлінні проєктами, навички написання звітів, навички управління та аналізу даними, створенні моніторингової системи для фахівців з ПЗПСП та Заступника менеджера проєктів;
  5. Забезпечити розуміння командами з ПЗПСП внутрішніх положень, організаційних політик та процедур ПУІ, а також їхнє дотримання ними.
  6. Надавати підтримку в розробці індивідуального плану дій та плану посилення спроможностей для фахівців з ПЗПСП і Заступника менеджера проєктів, та допомогти їм в розробці таких планів для надавачів послуг ПСП згідно з конкретними проєктними вимогами.

 Логістика та адміністрування

  1.  Забезпечити своєчасне задоволення логістичних потреб команд з ПСП згідно з проєктним планом закупівель та специфікаціями обсягів робіт, дотримуючись мінімальних стандартів та секторних рекомендацій ПУІ (наприклад, адаптовані безпечні куточки для заходів ПСП, адаптована кількість матеріалів для дітей тощо);
  2.  Забезпечити своєчасне виконання замовлень на закупівлю обладнання та інших матеріалів, необхідних для програм з ПСП згідно з встановленими процедурами та стандартами ПУІ щодо матеріально-технічного забезпечення місії;
  3.  Брати участь в аналізі тендерних пропозиthis of suppliers for procurement with clear technical requirements and criteria;
  4. Monthly monitor the budget of programs in the direction of PZPSP, providing analysis of any discrepancies to the PZPSP Manager;
  5. Provide support in the recruitment process and hiring employees for the positions of Deputy Project Manager and PZPSP Service Providers, following the rules and standards of the Human Resources Department and conducting testing and interview properly together by project teams, as well as prepare the necessary documentation for the Human Resources Department;
  6. Conduct introductory lectures for new employees (PZPSP service providers, deputy project managers) and ensure their proper understanding of procedures and protocols in the direction of PZPSP. 

Representation of program activities

  1.  Ensure proper representation of PUI in the PZPSP sector at the national and regional levels to partners and local authorities;
  2. In the absence of the Head of PZPSP, participate in internal coordination meetings of the PUI as needed;
  3. According to the instructions of the Head of PZPSP to acquaint donors with areas of activity on the ground in the event of their visit;
  4. Under the direct leadership of the PZPSP Manager, provide support and instructions to PZPSP teams on establishing communication and cooperation with local authorities, organizations and representatives of various population groups from with the aim of achieving the inclusiveness of the program activities with the PZPSP and reaching a wider range of beneficiaries;
  5. Together with Act as the main representative of PUI in the PZSP sector at the national and regional levels, as the PZPSP manager and other technical managers, ensuring the establishment of cooperation with donors, partners and local authorities.

Management of personnel activities

  • Evaluation of work efficiency: Evaluate the technical component of the work of the PZPSP teams, in particular the Deputy Project Manager;
  • Develop a plan to strengthen the capabilities of the PZPSP teams in order to ensure their continuous professional development and increase their skills.

    Education: Master’s degree in in psychology or other relevant social sciences (preferably clinical and/or counseling psychology, social work, medicine with relevant experience in psychiatry and clinical mental health).

    Work experience: At least 5 years of relevant work experience, including leadership roles in IMHSP (International Humanitarian Mental Health Support), GBV (gender-based violence) and protection, preferably in conflicts or humanitarian emergencies in international/non-governmental organizations.

    Language skills: Fluency in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

    Knowledge and skills : Understanding of the standard package of technical services based on the evidence base from MGPSP (IPT, PM+, Healthy Thinking, mhGAP-HIG, EMDR, CBT with an emphasis on trauma, IYCF-e/MIYCN). Previous experience working with migrants/displaced personspersons, victims of conflicts, victims of violence. Good level of project cycle management skills. Cultural and social understanding of MHPSP in Ukraine. Strong commitment to humanitarian principles and good personnel management skills. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

    Computer Skills: Excellent MS-Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint).


    Start date: December 2024

    Location: m. Kyiv

    Working days: from Monday to Friday

    • Interested candidates should submit their resume in English . 
    • The test and interview will also be exclusively in English.
    • PUI reserves the right to interview candidates on a rolling basis, so a candidate may be selected before the closing date.
    Without experience
    Full-time work
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