Administrator mistobudivnogo kadastru na derzhavnomu rivni, DP
Job description:
A specialist with technical support experience is needed, who will implement such an information system as the Urban Cadastre at the state level among users.
The specialist's main task is to advise various users on the application of the Urban Cadastre at the state level.
Requirements for the candidate:
higher or incomplete higher education;
at least two years of work experience in technical customer support and/or software testing;
experience with DBMS, in particular with PostgreSQL;
understanding of the peculiarities of the software design and development process provision, its testing and implementation;
experience in the development and presentation of educational materials for users;
experience in conducting trainings and educational seminars for users of IT products;
skills structure elements of information systems and determine possible software solutions.
Working conditions:
prepare answers to frequent user questions to upload them to the FAQ section;
prepare training materials, instructions and manuals for system users;
conduct educational trainings and seminars on the use of the State-level Urban Planning Cadastre Geoinformation System (system users);
set tasks for developers to finalize functionality, monitor their implementation in accordance with regulatory acts and specifications.