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Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Officer in Red Cross Ukraine

Posted more than 30 days ago


Red Cross Ukraine

Red Cross Ukraine

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Full-time work
The National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) announces a competition for the position of Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) OfficerThe Ukrainian Red Cross Society is the largest humanitarian organization in Ukraine, which is one of the first to respond to all emergencies in the country and provide assistance to those who need it most.Do you feel like you can make the world a better place? Join the Ukrainian Red Cross Society:The opportunity to do good: Help those w

The National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) announces a competition for the position of Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Officer

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society is the largest humanitarian organization in Ukraine, which is one of the first to respond to all emergencies in the country and provide assistance to those who need it most.

Do you feel like you can make the world a better place? Join the Ukrainian Red Cross Society:

  • The opportunity to do good: Help those who need it and feel inspired by contributing to a better world.
  • New knowledge and skills: Take interesting trainings, become a volunteer or employee, and gain valuable experience for your life.
  • Friends and like-minded people: Join a team of caring people who are always ready to help.
  • Pride in your actions: Join and feel proud to be a hero!

The Ukrainian Red Cross is thousands of people across Ukraine who make the world a better place every day.

The CEA approach at URCS ensures that affected communities' diverse needs, priorities, and preferences guide all response efforts through a people-centered methodology and meaningful community participation.

The primary goal of the CEA Officer for the BHA Project is to ensure that community engagement and accountability guide the multi-sectoral emergency response activities in the four oblasts. This role involves strategic and operational responsibilities, focusing on enhancing CEA practices within the URCS and supporting the affected communities.

The role will sit at the Branch and work under the direct supervision of the Head of Project "Multi-sectoral Emergency Response Program" lead and under the technical supervision of the URCS CEA Officer for sectoral support.

Strategic Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate CEA Efforts: Oversee the integration of CEA across four oblasts, ensuring a people-centered approach in all activities.
  • Community Assessments: Conduct thorough assessments using participatory research methods to capture the community’s needs, preferences, and priorities.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Implement and manage community feedback mechanisms, ensuring all feedback is addressed promptly and systematically analyzed for program improvements.
  • Design Inclusive Activities: Develop and design activities involving community members, ensuring inclusive participation from all demographics, including marginalized groups.

Operational Responsibilities:

  • Distribution of IEC Materials: Through the distribution of information, education, and communication (IEC) materials, increase awareness on issues such as Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), and mine risks.
  • Supportive Roles: Help distribute WASH hygiene and dignity kits, coordinate cash assistance programs, and support psychosocial activities.
  • Volunteer Training: Provide training and support to volunteers to strengthen CEA practices within their work.
  • Stakeholder Coordination: Coordinate with local authorities and other stakeholders to ensure community involvement and effective implementation of CEA activities.
  • Capacity Building: Roll out comprehensive CEA training for staff and volunteers, focusing on building sustainable CEA competencies across the URCS.



  • Demonstrated experience working with vulnerable communities or affected populations in community development, social work, communications, or a related discipline.
  • Experience in participatory research methods, field research, and desk research.
  • Preferable experience within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and an international humanitarian or development organization.)


  • A degree in social sciences, community development, or related fields.
  • Preferably a postgraduate qualification in participatory methodologies or monitoring and evaluation.

Technical Skills                                                                                                                                           

  • Proficiency in qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis, and reporting for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
  • Strong understanding of community feedback mechanisms and accountability systems.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and a good level of computer literacy. 


  • Fluent in spoken and written Ukrainian.
  • Good command of English (preferred).


  • Strong facilitation, communication, and listening skills.
  • Respect for diversity, integrity, and empathy.
  • Ability to mentor and build capacity within the National Society.

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society offers:

  • Interesting, diverse and multitasking work;
  • Employment in accordance with the Labor Code;
  • Timely payment of salary;
  • A friendly and close-knit team of like-minded people;
  • Participation in trainings and seminars in Ukraine and abroad.
  • Unique experience in the largest public organization in Ukraine


We aim to create a safe and inclusive environment at URCS that will provide all employees and volunteers, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation,  equal access to opportunities, protection of their dignity, and equal rights. 

We are an employer with equal opportunities for all employees, including people with disabilities. 

We do not discriminate in our recruitment and employment practices based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, or age. 

Sexual exploitation and abuse are prohibited in all forms. The organization implements a policy to prevent sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and abuse, including in the workplace.  

Location: Dnipro

If you are interested in this position, please send your CV and Cover letter to [email protected] 

Due to a large number of requests, we contact candidates who fully meet the requirements of the vacancy.


Національний комітет Товариства Червоного Хреста України (ТХЧУ) оголошує конкурс на посаду Спеціаліст\ка із залучення громадськості та підзвітності (CEA)

Товариство Червоного Хреста України - найбільша гуманітарна організація України, яка одна з найперших реагує на всі надзвичайні ситуації в країні і надає допомогу тим, хто найбільше її потребує.

Відчуваєте, що можете зробити світ кращим? Приєднуйтесь до Товариства Червоного Хреста України: 

  • Можливість творити добро: Допоможіть тим, хто цього потребує, і відчуйте натхнення  від зробленого внеску  
  • Нові знання та навички: Пройдіть цікаві тренінги, станьте волонтером або співробітником і отримайте досвід, який стане у пригоді в житті.
  • Друзі та однодумці: Приєднуйтесь до команди небайдужих людей, які завжди готові прийти на допомогу.
  • Гордість за свої дії: Долучайтесь та відчуйтесь гордість за те, що ви – герой!

ТЧХУ – це тисячі людей по всій Україні, які щодня роблять світ кращим.

Підхід CEA в ТЧХУ гарантує, що різноманітні потреби, пріоритети та вподобання постраждалих громад спрямовують усі зусилля з реагування на основі методології, орієнтованої на людей, та значущої участі громади.

Основна мета співробітника з CEA для Проекту КНБК - забезпечити, щоб залучення та підзвітність громади керували багатосекторальними заходами з реагування на надзвичайні ситуації в чотирьох областях. Ця роль передбачає стратегічні та оперативні обов'язки, зосереджуючись на вдосконаленні практики CEA в рамках ТЧХУ та підтримці постраждалих громад.

Посадова особа працюватиме у філії під безпосереднім керівництвом керівника проекту "Міжсекторальна програма реагування на надзвичайні ситуації" та під технічним наглядом спеціаліста з CEA з питань секторальної підтримки ТЧХУ.


Стратегічні обов'язки:

  • Координувати зусилля ЦЄА: Нагляд за інтеграцією ЦЕА в чотирьох областях, забезпечення підходу, орієнтованого на людей, у всіх видах діяльності.
  • ОцінюванCommunity engagement: Conduct thorough assessments using participatory research methods to determine community needs, preferences, and priorities.
  • Feedback mechanisms: Implement and manage community feedback mechanisms, ensuring prompt response to all feedback and their systematic analysis in order to improve the program.
  • Designing inclusive activities: Design and plan activities involving community members, ensuring inclusive participation of all demographic groups, including marginalized groups.
< p>Operational Responsibilities:

  • Distribution of IOC materials: Raise awareness of issues such as gender-based violence through the distribution of Information, Education and Communication (IOC) materials (HON), mental health and psychosocial support (MHSP) and mine and explosive risks.
  • Supporting roles: Help distribute hygiene and dignity kits, coordinate cash assistance programs and support psychosocial activities.
  • li>
  • Volunteer training: Provide training and support to volunteers in order to strengthen PDNV practices in their work.
  • Stakeholder coordination: Coordinate with local authorities and other stakeholders to ensure community engagement and effective implementation measures to combat HIV/AIDS.
  • Capacity building: Implement comprehensive OEA training for staff and volunteers, focusing on the formation of sustainable OEA competencies throughout the TCHU system.


  • Proven experience working with vulnerable communities or affected population groups in the field of community development, social work, communications or related disciplines.
  • Experience working with methods of participatory research, field research and desk research.
  • It is desirable to have experience working in the Russian Red Cross and Red Crescent or in an international humanitarian or development organization).
  • Higher education in social sciences, community development, or related fields.
  • Post-graduate education in participatory methodologies or monitoring and evaluation preferred.
  • Possession of qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and reporting skills for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
  • In-depth understanding of community feedback mechanisms and accountability systems.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and good computer computer literacy. 
  • Fluency in spoken and written Ukrainian.
  • Good command of English (preferred).
  • Strong facilitation, communication and listening skills.
  • Respect for diversity, integrity and empathy.
  • Ability to mentor and build capacity within the National Society.           

The Red Cross Society of Ukraine offers:

  • Interesting, diverse and multitasking work;
  • Employment according to КЗпП;
  • Timely payment of wages;
  • Friendly and cohesive team of like-minded people;
  • Participation in trainings and seminarsin Ukraine and abroad.
  • Unique experience of working in the largest public organization of Ukraine

We aim to create a safe and inclusive environment in TCHHU, which will provide all employees , volunteers regardless of age, sex and gender, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, equal access to opportunities, protection of their dignity and equal rights.

We are an employer with equal opportunities for all employees, including for persons with disabilities.

We do not discriminate in our selection and employment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability , genetic information, age.

Sexual exploitation and abuse is prohibited in all forms. The organization implements a policy to prevent sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and harassment, including in the workplace. 

positions at the following address: [email protected].

Due to the large number of requests, we are contacting candidates who fully meet the job requirements.

Without experience
Full-time work
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