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Chief specialist of the management personnel management department of territorial bodies and subdepartmental institutions of the Personnel Department in Derzhavna migraciyna sluzhba Ukrayini

Posted more than 30 days ago


Derzhavna migraciyna sluzhba Ukrayini

Derzhavna migraciyna sluzhba Ukrayini

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work
Requirements:degree of higher education not lower than bachelor's degree, fluency in the state language according to the level determined by the National Commission for State Standards languages* .Experience in HR (preferred). Professional characteristics:< p style="font-weight: 400; font-style: normal">Ability to work with regulations,stress resistance, ability determine priorities, the ability to work in a team, initiative, reliability, decency, discipline, willingness to help, emotional stabi


degree of higher education not lower than bachelor's degree, fluency in the state language according to the level determined by the National Commission for State Standards languages* .

Experience in HR (preferred). 

Professional characteristics:

< p style="font-weight: 400; font-style: normal">Ability to work with regulations,stress resistance, ability determine priorities, the ability to work in a team, initiative, reliability, decency, discipline, willingness to help, emotional stability, sociability, respect for others, responsibility

Professional knowledge:

Knowledge of legislation:

< p style="font-weight: 400; font-style: normal"> Constitution of Ukraine;

Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service";

Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption";

Law of Ukraine "On Appeals of Citizens";

Law of Ukraine "On Vacations";

Law of Ukraine "On Purification of Power";

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the Procedure for calculating length of service in the civil service" dated 03/25/2016 No. 229;

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Issues of remuneration of employees of state bodies" dated 01/28/2017 No. 15;

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Issues of assigning the ranks of civil servants and the relationship between the ranks of civil servants and the ranks of local self-government officials, military ranks, diplomatic ranks and other special ranks" dated 04.20.2016 No. 306;

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the Procedure for conducting a competition for public service positions" dated 03/25/2016 No. 246 (with changes);

Code of labor laws of Ukraine;

Order of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Issues "On approval of the procedure for maintaining and storing personal files of civil servants" dated March 22, 2016 No. 64;

Regulations on the State Migration Service of Ukraine, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 20.08.2014 No. 360;

Experienced user with the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, Power Point).

Working conditions: full-time employment

Work schedule: Monday to Friday 

Wage conditions:

  1. official salary — UAH 18,771;
  2. salary allowance for the rank of civil servant ;
  3. allowances, additional payments, bonuses and compensation in accordance with Article 52 of the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service", the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2024"

Job duties: 

  • Documentation of civil service by preparation of orders of the State Administration of Internal Affairs on the appointment, transfer, dismissal of heads of territorial bodies and divisions, their deputies, assigning them regular ranks of civil servants in the following territorial bodies of the State Administration of Internal Affairs:

    - CMU DMS in the city of Kyiv and Kyiv region

    - UDMS in Vinnytsia region

    - UDMS in Volyn region

    - UDMS in Chernihiv region.
  •  Preparation of draft responses to requests from central executive authorities, local self-government bodies, as well as enterprises, institutions, organizations, lawyers and citizens on issues related to the department's activities.
  • Formation and maintenance of copies of personal files of heads of territorial bodies, divisions of the State Internal Revenue Service, their deputies, heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations belonging to the sphere of administration of the State Internal Revenue Service, making changes to them related to labor activity, change registration data and personal documents. Storage of information about personal data of citizens that became known during the performance of public service duties, as well as other information that is not subject to disclosure according to the law.
  • Ensuring the implementation of measures for the introduction and use of automated information systems.
  • Preparation of materials and an executive document of the LMS on encouraging and rewarding employees of territorial bodies and subdivisions of the LMS, enterprises, institutions, organizations belonging to the sphere of management of the LMS, keeping appropriate records.
  • Preparation of documents regarding the conduct of a special check on persons applying for the positions of heads of territorial bodies and subdivisions of the State Internal Revenue Service, their deputies, positions of heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations belonging to the sphere of administration of the State Internal Revenue Service, and conducting an authenticity check information on the application of prohibitions provided by in thirdsand the fourth of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Purification of Power" regarding persons applying for the above positions.
  • Registration, issuance and destruction of service cards for employees of territorial bodies of the State Internal Revenue Service, heads of enterprises, institutions, and organizations belonging to the sphere of administration of the State Internal Revenue Service.
  • Conducting, together with other units, work on concluding, extending the term of validity, terminating contracts with the heads of state enterprises, institutions and organizations that belong to the sphere of management of the LMS, as well as carrying out measures to verify the fulfillment of contract terms in the manner established by law.
  • Preparation of a monthly information report on bringing to disciplinary responsibility the employees of territorial bodies of the State Police.
  • Execution of duties of another chief specialist in case of his/her temporary absence due to vacation, business trip and other reasons.

We guarantee:

Official Employment

Stable and timely payment of wages

Legal holidays and social benefits

Normal work schedule

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We are only interested in long-term and fruitful cooperation!

Without experience
Full-time work
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