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Chief specialist in labor protection and fire safety in Departament nadannya administrativnih poslug Odeskoyi miskoyi radi

8 January


Departament nadannya administrativnih poslug Odeskoyi miskoyi radi

Departament nadannya administrativnih poslug Odeskoyi miskoyi radi

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work

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Requirements: Higher education at least a bachelor's degree, experience in occupational safety and firefighting security.Responsibilities:Participates in creating safe working conditions in the department, in organizing and coordinating work on occupational safety and fire safety, ensuring the functioning of the occupational safety management system;Ensures the development, implementation and revision of instructions on of labor protection, labor safety standards, participates in the development

Requirements: Higher education at least a bachelor's degree, experience in occupational safety and firefighting security.


  • Participates in creating safe working conditions in the department, in organizing and coordinating work on occupational safety and fire safety, ensuring the functioning of the occupational safety management system;
  • Ensures the development, implementation and revision of instructions on of labor protection, labor safety standards, participates in the development of relevant sections related to labor protection issues;
  • Studies working conditions at workplaces, prepares and makes proposals for the development and implementation of more perfect means of protection against the influence of dangerous and harmful production factors;
  • Performs other duties in matters of occupational safety and fire safety.

Working conditions:

Office, stable salary, work schedule: 5 days a week, 8-hour working day.

Recruitment based on internship and competition results.

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Without experience
Full-time work
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