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Armed Violence Reduction Project Manager (Armed Violence Reduction Project Manager) in Handicap international

Posted more than 30 days ago


Handicap international

Handicap international

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Full-time work
Armed Violence Reduction Project ManagerCOUNTRY:Ukraine RESPONSIBILITY:Gun Violence Reduction SpecialistLOCATION:< /strong>Kyiv (Kyiv)GENERAL DUTIESInforming the population about the risks associated with mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) has aims to reduce the risk of injury from explosive ordnance (IED) by raising awareness among women, girls, boys and men of their different vulnerabilities, roles and needs, and promoting behavior change. Protection and Preparedness in Armed Conflict (

Armed Violence Reduction Project Manager


RESPONSIBILITY:Gun Violence Reduction Specialist

LOCATION:< /strong>Kyiv (Kyiv)


Informing the population about the risks associated with mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) has aims to reduce the risk of injury from explosive ordnance (IED) by raising awareness among women, girls, boys and men of their different vulnerabilities, roles and needs, and promoting behavior change. Protection and Preparedness in Armed Conflict (APC) aims to empower people to protect themselves from armed conflict, including the risks associated with the use of explosive devices in populated areas. HI provides vital information to conflict-affected populations in two main ways: information sessions both online and in person, and digital and mass media campaigns.

The Media Communications Team Leader is responsible for the development and implementation of digital campaigns and mass media campaigns using a communication for social and behavioral change (SBC) approach. The project's activities cover the entire territory of Ukraine, with a special emphasis on areas significantly affected by the use of munitions and hazardous remnants of war (RWW). He/she will work closely with other technical specialists/officers and project managers to oversee the development of materials related to INRM and ZGK and to ensure a coordinated and integrated approach.


Task 1. Participates in the development of a program and strategyto reduce the scale of armed violence (ARV)

  1. Contributes to the development of components related to the reduction of the scale of armed violence within the framework of the HI operational strategy and the sectoral sub-strategy of the NAP
  2. Contributes to the assessment of the needs and risks of the reduction of the scale of armed violence ( including conflict sensitivity analysis)
  3. Together with the Technical Unit on Reducing the Scale of Armed Violence and other project managers, identifies key target audiences, messages, and approaches to INRM and ZGK
  4. Develops and monitors strategies social and behavioral change using mass media and digital media
  5. Contributes to the development of project proposals for the continuation or expansion of the project
  6. Monitoring changes in the context and media landscape.
  7. Task 2.Ensures the implementation of the project toreduce the scale of armed violence in digital and mass media in accordance with the logical scheme and the allocated budget

    1. Manages the intervention strategy within the project and makes adjustments if goals change or if there is a possibility that they will not be achieved
    2. Ensures the planning of activities and relevant resources, as well as implements the action plan
    3. Ensures the implementation of activities in accordance with the project application and allocated budget
    4. Ensures reporting on the project, as an internal ( within the framework of the program) and external (reporting to financial authorities, authorities and/or partners)
    5. Expenses and manages budget items related to project activities, in accordance with the received powers based on the delegation table authority to sign the program
    6. Coordinates procurement needs with the logistics department
    7. Prepares and manages partnerships with project implementation partners
    8. Ensures proper archiving of information.

    Task 3. Ensures that the implementation of the project complies with international and national standards and other relevant framework

    1. Ensures compliance with the requirements of IMAS and national standards (DSTU-8820), as well as HI-specific policies and procedures for PPE
    2. Communicates with mission and/or headquarters technical specialists and engages them as necessary
    3. Ensures proper implementation and monitoring of compliance with institutional policies (including age, gender and disability policies) and other internal HI standards
    4. Ensures compliance with project application terms and regulations applied by the authority / by the bodies that finance the project.

    Task 4. Ensures monitoring, evaluation, accountability and assimilation of project experience

    < ol>
  8. Ensures project monitoring, including performance indicators and expected results
  9. Develops and implements project evaluation plan in coordination with MEAL
  10. Ensures project accountability to local stakeholders and beneficiaries < /li>
  11. Ensures project learning, taking into account lessons learned from similar previous projects, following recommendations made throughout the project (from evaluations, support missions, audits, etc.) and using lessons learned.
  12. /ol>

    Task 5.Supervises the development and improvement of materials from INRM and ZGK

    1. Leads and coordinates the work of the Committee on creation of materials
    2. Monitors the material needs of the teams and ensures their proper priority in the action plan of the Committee for the creation of materials
    3. Proposes, develops and optimizes messages from INRM and ZGK to protect the population affected by the conflict< /li>
    4. Supervises the design, development, and field testing of INRM and ZGK materials.

    Task 6. Provides technical expertise on issues ofINRM Social and behavioral change communication >Keeps a finger on the pulse of trends related to GNP in Ukraine and their impact on the conflict-affected population

  13. Provides technical expertise of the project with the support of a senior technical specialist from INRM and a specialist from PPE
  14. li>Ensures that INRM messages aresensitive to conflict and consider gender, age, disability and any other relevant diversity factors
  15. Applies a social and behavioral change communication approach to mass media and digital media campaigns.
  16. li>

Objective 7. Ensures synergy and coherence with other activities in the field of armed violence reduction, humanitarian assistance and development

< ol>
  • Cooperates and interacts closely with other activities from the PPE to ensure a coordinated and coordinated response
  • Ensures synergy with other information campaigns of INRM in mass media that may be carried out in the country by other external entities
  • Contributes to the external influence of the NI by participating in networks when necessary
  • Informs project partners, authorities and stakeholders when appropriate


    • First degree diploma (Bachelor or equivalent) majoring in strategic communications, marketing, journalism, digital communications, project management or other similar direction. Master's degree preferred

    Work experience:

    (type and duration of work experience)

    • Minimum 2 years of experience in project management;
    • Professional experience in INRM;
    • Experience of working with international NGOs and a multicultural environment.


    (knowledge , abilities necessary for the performance of duties, a reference to a document confirming work experience);

    • Fluent command of the Ukrainian language. Proficiency in English at the above average level
    • Savviness in digital technologies
    • Awareness of the media environment of Ukraine (digital and traditional media)
    • Self-confidence, excellent interpersonal and cross-cultural skills
    • Providing a role model and actively promoting humanitarian principles and HI values ​​and principles

    Personal qualities:

    • Excellent management, communication and diplomatic skills
    • Autonomy and initiative
    • Flexibility
    • Problem solving skills
    • li>
    • Ability to adhere to established time frames
    • Practical, dynamic, solution-oriented
    • Ability to work in a team/network and maintain a positive working atmosphere
    • High motivation, proactive position


    Contract:Employment contract (according to the legislation of Ukraine) Term

    Type of employment:Full time


    • 30 calendar days of annual leave
    • 12 days of annual paid wellness leave (pro-rated)
    • Health insurance for HI employees and one family member (supplement paid by HI)
    • Individual psychological counseling for HI employees
    • Relocation package can be provided for management positions and key positions if necessary
    • Appropriate support measuresdisability benefits.

    All interested candidates regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or ethnicity are encouraged to apply for the position.

    By submitting a resume, the applicant consents to the processing of his personal data (in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine).

    Handicap International has transparent institutional policies regarding "Protection of children", "Anti-fraud, bribery and corruption", "Disability, Gender and Age", as well as "Protection of beneficiaries from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment". They are mandatory for all employees who are required to respect, support and promote these policies and sign the HI Code of Conduct.

    Armed Violence Reduction Project Manager


    REPORTS TO:AVR Specialist




    Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) aims to reduce the risk of injury from explosive ordnance (EO) by raising awareness among women, girls, boys and men in accordance with their different vulnerabilities, roles and needs, and promoting behavioral change. Conflict Preparedness and Protection (CPP) intends to empower individuals to protect themselves against armed conflict, including risks from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas (EWIPA). HI provides conflict-affected populations with vital EORE and CPP information through two main means: interpersonal sessions both online and in-person, and digital and mass media campaigns.

    The Project Manager for Armed Violence Reduction (AVR) Mass Media is responsible for the development and implementation of the digital and mass media campaigns using a social and behavioral change communications (SBCC) approach. Project activities cover the entire area of ​​Ukraine, with a particular focus on areas highly impacted by the use of EO and EW (EWIPA). She/he works closely with other AVR technical specialists/officers and project managers to oversee the development of EORE and CPP-related materials and to ensure a coordinated and integrated approach. MISSIONS / RESPONSIBILITIES strong>

    Mission 1. Contribute to program and AVR strategy development

    1. Contributes to AVR-related components of HI's country operational strategy (StratOp) and the AVR sectoral sub-strategy
    2. Contributes to AVR needs and risk assessments (including conflict sensitivity analysis)
    3. Together with the AVR Technical Unit and other Project Managers, co-defines key target audiences, messages and approaches for EORE and CPP
    4. Develops and monitors social and behavioral change strategies using mass and digital media
    5. Contributes to the drafting of project proposals for the continuity or expansion of the project
    6. Monitors evolutions in the context and media landscape

    Mission 2. Ensure implementation of the AVR Mass & Digital Media project, in line with the logical framework and allocated budget

    1. Steersthe project’s intervention strategy and puts forward adjustments if the objectives change or if it is likely that they will not be met
    2. Ensures that activities and the associated resources are planned, and implements the action plan
    3. Ensures that activities are implemented in line with the project proposal and the allocated budget
    4. Ensures project reporting, internally (within the programme) and externally (reporting to funding bodies, authorities and/or partners)
    5. Undertakes expenditure and manages the project activity-specific budget lines according to the delegation she/he received based on the programme signature delegation table
    6. Coordinates with logistics on procurement needs
    7. Prepares and manages partnerships with the project implementation partners
    8. Ensures the proper archiving of information

    Mission 3. Ensure that project implementation complies with international and national standards and other relevant frameworks

    1. Ensures compliance with IMAS and national standards (DSTU-P 8820), as well as HI-specific policies and procedures for AVR
    2. Communicates with and involve technical specialists from the mission and/or HQ, as required
    3. Ensures the proper implementation and follow-up of institutional policies (specifically PME, PSEAH and Age- Gender- Disability policies) and other HI internal standards
    4. Ensures compliance with the terms of the project proposal and the rules applied by the project funding body/bodies

    Mission 4. Ensure project monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning

    1. Ensures project monitoring, specifically activity progress indicators and the expected outcomes
    2. Develops and implements the project evaluation plan, in coordination with MEAL
    3. Ensures that the project is accountable to local stakeholders and beneficiaries 
    4. Ensures project learning, taking into account lessons learned from similar previous projects, following the recommendations made throughout the project (from evaluations, support missions, audits, etc.), and capitalising on the acquired knowledge. 

    Mission 5. Oversee the design and development of EORE and CPP materials

    1. Chairs and coordinates the work of the EORE Material Committee
    2. Monitors material needs across HI AVR teams and ensure they are appropriately prioritised in the Material Committee’s action plan
    3. Proposes, develops and optimises EORE and CPP messages to protect conflict-affected populations
    4. Oversees the design, development and field testing of EORE and CPP materials

    Mission 6. Provides technical expertise on EORE, CPP and Social and Behavioural Change Communication

    1. Keeps abreast of EO related trends in Ukraine and their impact on conflict-affected populations; 
    2. Provides the technical expertise for the project, with the support of the EORE Senior Technical Officer and AVR Specialist
    3. Ensures that EORE messages are conflict sensitivie and inclusive of gender, age, disability and any other relevant diversity factor
    4. Applies a Social and Behaviour Change Communication approach to mass and digital media campaigns

    Mission 7. Ensures synergy and cohesion with other AVR, humanitarian and development activities 

    1. Collaborates and works closely with other AVR activities to ensure a coordinated and cohesive response
    2. Ensures synergies with other EORE mass media campaigns that may be ongoing in the country by other external actors. 
    3. Contributes to HI’s external influence by taking part in networks, when required. 
    4. Communicates about the project to partners, authorities and stakeholders when relevant. 



    • First level degree (Bachelor or equivalent) in Strategic Communications, digital communications, project management or similar. A Master degree is desirable.


    (type and amount of experience):

    • Minimum 2 years project coordination experience
    • Professional experience in Explosive Ordnance Risk Education
    • Experience with international NGOs and in multicultural teams.


    (knowledge, abilities required for the position, refer to skills repository document):

    • Upper-intermediate in English and Native Ukrainian
    • Digital and technology savvy
    • Good knowledge of Ukrainian media landscape (both digital and traditional media)
    • Confident with excellent interpersonal and intercultural skills. 
    • Ability to work under high pressure. 
    • Personifies and promotes the humanitarian principles and HI’s values and principles to the highest degree.

    Personal qualities:

    • Excellent management and communication skills and diplomacy;
    • Autonomous and initiative-taking;  
    • Flexibility;
    • Problem solving skills; 
    • Practical, dynamic and solution oriented;
    • Ability to work as part of a team/network and able to support a positive working environment;
    • High level of motivation and proactivity.


    Contract: Employment contract (according to Ukrainian legislation) Fixed-Term

    Type of employment: Full-time

    Benefits Package:

    • 30 calendar days for annual leaves 
    • 12 days of internal wellbeing paid leaves annually (pro-rata)
    • Medical Insurance for HI staff and one dependent (tax paid by HI)
    • Individual counselling sessions for HI staff
    • Relocation package might be granted for the managerial positions and key positions if needed 
    • Relevant supportive measures for person with disabilities (if needed)

    All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, abilities or ethnic affiliation are encouraged to apply for the vacancy.

    By submitting the CV application, the applicant gives his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data (in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine).

    Handicap International has clear institutional policies on "Child Protection", "Anti-fraud, Bribery and Corruption", "Disability, Gender and Age" and "Protection of Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment”. It is therefore mandatory for all staff to commit themselves to respect, uphold and promote these policies, and to sign the HI Code and Conduct.

    Without experience
    Full-time work
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