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18 July
🔘 SEO Specialist ▪️ Full-time position ▪️ Remote ▪️ Experience: 2+ years 📋 Requirements: 💻 Proficiency in CMS systems 🔍 Strong independent thinking and problem-solving skills 🤝 Positive attitude and team spirit 📌 Responsibilities: 🔍 Conduct technical/content/backlink audits 🌐 Perform competitor analyses 📊 Execute on-page and off-page SEO activities 🌟 Apply now and grow with us! tg: @bogachovayulia 🚀💼
Our client is an American multinational consumer credit reporting agency.
Our client is a leading information services provider of financial, property, and consumer information, analytics, and business intelligence.
Our client operates a strong media supply chain. Given the heavy customization and scalability issues with their existing platform, they are considering a shift to custom AWS native components.
We are looking for a person with Node.js experience who is ready to take on challenges.
We are currently looking for a Seasoned Front-End Developer to take a development lead role in building a new product for the client.
Our project involves the automation of the FNOL process, including the use of AI for detecting US Healthcare claims, recognition of relevant documents, and the automation of routine checks and steps involved in creating claims from FNOLs.
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