Privacy Policy


We’ve prepared this Privacy Policy to outline our practices with respect to collecting, using and disclosing the information from users and visitors of (hereinafter, “JOBITT”) and our related services (collectively, the “Services”). We en-courage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully and use it to make informed deci-sions. By using the Services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and your continued use of the Services constitutes your ongoing agreement to the Privacy Policy.

In case you do not wish to provide information to JOBITT or have such information used in a manner described in this Privacy Policy, you should refrain from using the Services.


In the course of using the Services, we may collect certain Personal Data to provide and improve the Services, to contact or identify you, to enable you to access certain parts of the Service or as otherwise indicated in this Policy.

We collect the following Personal Data about you:

- When you register for an account, we may require you to provide us with your con-tact details, including some or all of the following: your name, date of birth, phone number, and email address. For purchases we request your credit card or banking details. You may also provide us with additional information such as your company name, job title, bio, picture and any other information that may enhance your ac-count and reviews.

- Our Services may include an option to register using your social media account (such as LinkedIn or Facebook). If you choose to log in or connect to the Services using your social media account, you consent to our collection, processing, storage and use of your social media account information. Such information includes any information shared with us by your social media provider during the sign-in process or otherwise. We may also process other publicly available information on your so-cial media account, which we believe may be necessary or relevant for the provi-sion of the Services, as described herein. Please see your social media provider’s privacy policy for information regarding how they share your information when you use your account in connection with other services.

- During the review process, you may provide us with information about others, info that will only be used to verify and cross-check reviews. You should obtain the consent of any individual or entity before providing us with their information.

- In case someone created an unauthorized account in your name or with your info, you can contact us and request its removal.

- When you send us an email or otherwise contact us we will collect any infor-mation, including Personal Data that you choose to include in your inquiry to us. Our web server may also automatically collect your IP address, and unique online identifiers.

Non-Personal Data
We also collect data about the use of our Service and the characteristics and activi-ties of users, in order to operate it and improve it. We may collect the following non-Personal Data:
Technical information – when you use our Services we may collect such data non-personally identifiable data as: your operating system, device type, session start/stop time, time zone, network connection type (e.g., Wi-Fi, cellular), your general location (city and country), and general information regarding your browser and device.
If we combine Personal Data with non-Personal Data, the combined data will be treated as Personal Data.


Internal concerned parties - we share your information with companies in our group, as well as our employees, as needed to provide our Services.

Business partners:
We share you information with 3rd parties for the following purposes:

- Providers - We may share your information with business partners or vendors who help us provide you with our service or provide services on our behalf, including: storage, analytics, marketing, customer service, payment processing, fraud pre-vention and other services. These third parties may have access to your Personal Data and/or collect your Personal Data on our behalf, but only as much as needed for them to properly perform their functions, and they are prohibited from sharing or using your Personal Data for any other purpose.

- Compliance with laws and law enforcement entities - we cooperate with govern-ment and law enforcement officials and private parties to enforce and comply with the law. We will disclose any data about you to government or law enforcement of-ficials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appro-priate to respond to claims and legal process (including but not limited to subpoe-nas), to protect our or a third party's property and rights, to protect the safety of the public or any person, or to prevent or stop any activity we may consider to be, or to pose a risk of being, illegal, unethical, inappropriate or legally actionable. We also may be required to disclose an individual’s Personal Data in response to a lawful request by public authorities, including meeting national security or law en-forcement requirements.

- Merger and acquisitions – we may share your data if we enter into a business transaction such as a merger, acquisition, reorganization, bankruptcy, or sale of some or all of our assets. Any party that acquires our assets as part of such a transaction may continue to use your data in accordance with the terms of this Pri-vacy Policy.

- You user profile - information in your user profile and content that you submit while using our services may be seen by others, displayed on our platform, shown in search engine results or otherwise become publicly available. Content submitted by you may be displayed along with your name and other personal information you provided (unless you requested for it to be anonymous).


We may use your information for the following purposes:

- Provision of the Service – we will use the Personal Data you provide us for the pro-vision and improvement of our Service, providing customer support and to respond to your queries.

- User generated content

- Legitimate Interest - we may use the Personal Data you provide us any time we have a legitimate interests to do so, except for cases when our interests are over-ridden by your data protection rights.

- Service announcements - we will use your Personal Data to communicate with you and to keep you informed of our latest updates to our Service and offer you service offers.

- Analytics, surveys and research - from time to time, we may conduct surveys or test features, and analyze the data we have to develop, evaluate and improve these features, all in order to improve our Services and offerings (including to our business partners), and think of new and exciting features for our users.

- Protecting our interests - we may use your Personal Data when we believe it’s nec-essary in order to take precautions against liabilities, investigate and defend our-selves against any third party claims or allegations, investigate and protect our-selves from fraud, protect the security or integrity of our services and protect the rights and property of the Company, its users and/or partners.

- Enforcing of policies - we may use your Personal Data in order to enforce our poli-cies, including but not limited to our Terms.

- Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements - we may use your Personal Da-ta to investigate violations, and as required by law, regulation or other governmen-tal authority, or to comply with a subpoena or similar legal process.

- Marketing and advertising - We may use your Personal Data in the following ways: we may send you promotional material concerning our Service, or our partners' services, which we believe might interest you; we may also display certain adverts on our Service, which we believe will be relevant for you. We make our best efforts to make sure you see only relevant ads and receive relevant communications from us, including but not limited to, by building an automated profile based on your Personal Data.

- Opt-out of receiving marketing materials - You may choose not to receive our promotional or marketing emails (all or any part thereof) by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in the emails that you receive from us. Please note that even if you unsubscribe, we may continue to send you service-related updates and notifications, or reply to your queries and feedback you provide us.

- If you do not want us to share your Personal Data for marketing purposes, you may opt-out in accordance with this "Opt-out" section. Please note that even if you opt-out, we may still use and share your Personal Data with third parties for non-marketing purposes (for example to fulfill your requests and orders, communicate with you and respond to your inquiries, etc.). In such cases, the companies with whom we share your Personal Data are authorized to use your Personal Data only as necessary to provide these non-marketing services.

- We may anonymize your Personal Data so that it is no longer connected to you. Data that has been successfully anonymized and that can not be used to identify you will no longer be subject to this Privacy Policy, and may be used and disclosed to 3rd parties without restriction.


When you visit or access our Services we use (and authorize 3rd parties to use) pix-els, cookies, events and other technologies (collectively, "Tracking Technologies"). Those allow us to automatically collect information about you, your device and your online behavior, in order to enhance your navigation in our Services, improve our Services’ performance, perform analytics and customize your experience. In addition, we may merge data we have with data collected through these tracking technologies and data we may obtain from other sources and, as a result, such data may become Personal Data. To learn more about who we use Tracking Technologies, please read our Cookie Policy.


Our platform may contain links, images, embedded content and other features con-nected with third party websites, social networks, apps and services. Using these fea-tures might enable these third parties to collect, process and share your personal in-formation. JOBITT does not vet, endorse or make any representation regarding such third parties and their services, and is not responsible for their practices. This Privacy Policy does not cover information you provide to or is collected by such third parties.


JOBITT’s servers are hosted in the Ukraine or in Israel. The Services are provided from the Ukraine or from Israel. Please be aware and take into account that your personal data may be stored and processed in the Ukraine or Israel, where data pro-tection, privacy and other relevant laws may be different from those in your country. By using the Services you consent to having your personal data may be transferred to our servers and from our servers to third parties with whom we might share it.


California User Rights
If you are a California resident, California Civil Code (Section 1798.83) permits users of the Services who are California residents to request and obtain from us a list of what Personal Data (if any) we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purpos-es in the preceding calendar year and the names and addresses of those third par-ties. Requests may be made only once a year and are free of charge. Under Section 1798.83, California residents are entitled to request and obtain such information, by e-mailing a request to: [email protected]

EU User Rights
As an EU resident, you may request to:
a. Receive confirmation as to whether or not Personal Data concerning you is being processed, and access your stored Personal Data, together with supplementary in-formation.
b. Receive a copy of Personal Data you directly volunteer to us in a structured, com-monly used and machine-readable format.
c. Request rectification of your Personal Data that is in our control.
d. Request erasure of your Personal Data.
e. Object to the processing of Personal Data by us.
f. Request to restrict processing of your Personal Data by us.
g. Lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
Please note that these rights pertain to EU residents only, are not absolute, and may be subject to our own legitimate interests and regulatory requirements. A list of Su-pervisory Authorities is available here:
Users Outside the EU - Some of the aforementioned rights are applicable in certain jurisdictions outside the EU as well. Users residing outside the EU are welcome to contact us for any questions or requests at the details below.


If you reside in the European Union ("EU"), please note that some data recipients may be located outside the EEA. In such cases we will transfer your data only to such countries as approved by the European Commission as providing adequate level of data protection, rely on our self-certification under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, or enter into legal agreements ensuring an adequate level of data pro-tection.


We have implemented administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of your Personal Data. Your data is stored on secure servers and isn’t publicly available. We limit access of your infor-mation only to those employees or partners on a “need to know” basis, in order to enable the carrying out of the agreement between us. While we seek to protect your information to ensure that it is kept confidential, we cannot absolutely guarantee its security. You should be aware that there is always some risk involved in transmitting information over the internet. While we strive to protect your Personal Data, we can-not ensure or warrant the security and privacy of your Personal Data or other content you transmit using the Service, and you do so at your own risk.


We understand the importance of protecting children’s privacy, especially in an online environment. Our Services are not designed for or directed at children under the age of 16 years old (“Minors”). We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from Minors. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with Per-sonal Data, he or she should contact us using the details provided above.


This Privacy Policy does not grant third parties any privileges or permissions, and does not create any rights enforceable by third parties.


If you wish to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, or receive more infor-mation, please contact our Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) using the details below:

[email protected]

Mailing address:
Ein Hakore 10, Rishon LeZion


This Privacy Policy is subject to changes from time to time, in our sole discretion. The most current version will always be posted on our Services (as reflected in the "Last Updated" heading). You are advised to check for updates regularly. By continu-ing to access or use our Services after any revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the updated Privacy Policy.

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