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User Acquisition Manager in Netpeak Group

Posted more than 30 days ago


2 applications   0 responses

6 reviews
600 - 2000$
0.5 years
Kyiv, Odesa
Upper Intermediate
Remote work
Saldo Apps is looking for a User Acquisition Specialist to launch advertising campaigns on Facebook and Google.

What's interesting about the position:

🔹 You will be the first specialist in the company, so you will have the opportunity to set up the process yourself and work directly with the CEO.

🔹Large bonuses that may exceed the rate.

🔹There will be an opportunity to create a team in the future.

🔹 You will work with white niche products that really bring value.

Required skills:

🔹At least 6 months of experience in managing Facebook and Google advertising accounts.

🔹A hacker mindset - the ability to find alternative ways to achieve goals, bypassing bottlenecks and hurdles.

🔹Understanding of basic marketing metrics: CPM, CTR, CPA, LTV.

🔹Knowledge of English at the Upper Intermediate level.

We offer the following benefits:

🔹Flexible working hours.

🔹Fully remote work. Though we have offices in the center of Odesa and Kyiv, we gladly accept fully remote employees.

🔹36 business days of paid day off, which can be spent on vacation, sick leave, public holidays, and generally at your own discretion. We encourage you to rest!

🔹Fast career growth - your career advancement is up to you.

🔹50% of the cost of your English courses will be reimbursed.

🔹If you use medical insurance we are ready to compensate you for 50% of its cost.

🔹We can reimburse you for 50% of the cost of courses, training, and webinars.

🔹Individual and group sessions with a corporate psychologist.

🔹Corporate events and entertainment - we are part of the Netpeak Group known for its fun activities. Twice a year, we host large-scale corporate events, attended by over 800 employees from different countries. Together with the Saldo Apps team, we go to Odesa for a week-long hackathon every summer, where we work on new products and relax together. We will resume these traditions as soon as it is possible and safe for everyone.

Specializations: Marketing
600 - 2000$
0.5 years
Kyiv, Odesa
Upper Intermediate
Remote work
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