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Senior Data Scientist in Data Science UA

Posted more than 30 days ago


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4000 - 5500$
More than 5 years
Upper Intermediate
Full-time work
Remote work

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Senior Data Scientist
We are actively looking for candidates for an open position for a new R&D office in Ukraine for a British IT product company. Remote work, full-time employment, the opportunity to travel to London on business trips 2 days a month. to communicate with the core team: - Senior and Middle Data Scientist - Strong understanding of recent exciting advances in NLP such as pre-trained language models, contextualized word embeddings, attention and novel neural network architectures. Confident writing production quality code preferably in Python and SQL Detailed information about the project, company and all open line items on request. Company logo:
Specializations: Data Science

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4000 - 5500$
More than 5 years
Upper Intermediate
Full-time work
Remote work
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