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Sales Manager in Karina

Posted more than 30 days ago


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1000 - 1500$
1 year
Full-time work

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Sales Manager
We are looking for a Sales manager with over 1 year experience to sell our elearning product. It is an elearning platform for the digitalization of the educational process. Consists of a student application and a control panel. Target audience: teachers, schools, courses - everyone who wants to transfer their educational process to a personal mobile application. Countries: Ukraine, Russia, Europe, USA Team: 4 programmers, 1 product owner and 1 product manager, 2 trainee sales managers At the moment, we have created campaigns in adwords, facebook and we are making an email newsletter. CRM - HubSpot Requirements: -Experience in sales management in it from 1 year -working with facebook, adwords, linkedin ads -English level intermediate Will be a plus: -Experience in selling it products in Western markets -Experience with eLearning products Responsibilities: -building team sales process with 2 trainee who know the product - adjusting / building the funnel and the sales process - adjusting / forming the target audience, testing new ones - tracking and monitoring the results Working conditions: -8-hour working day, flexible schedule; -competitive salary based on the results of the interview; -systematic revision of wages in accordance with professional development; -official registration for sole proprietorship (the company provides the services of an accountant and compensates for the costs of paying taxes); -paid vacation, sick leave, day-off, the possibility of remote work; -payment for participation in conferences / trainings, lectures on advanced training
Specializations: Sales

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1000 - 1500$
1 year
Full-time work
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