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React Native developer in techlexity

Posted more than 30 days ago


44 applications   12 responses

0 reviews
1800 - 2500$
1.5 years
Remote work
Hi everyone! We, Techlexity, specialize in complex solutions (mobile apps, web platforms, admin panels) for tech startups and established enterprises in the US and Western Europe. Our projects are not tied to one area, so there is an opportunity to work with cool products in Fintech, Game, Health, Social Media, etc. We would like to notify you that we'll not response to candidates without strong React-native experience.

We expect that the right candidate knows:


1) At least 1.5 years of web development experience;

2) High-level Javascript skills;

3) At least 1 year of experience with React-native;

4) Understanding of principles of how to build RN structure/navigation;

5) At least 6 months of experience with Redux;

6) At least 6 months of experience with ReactJS;

7) Ability to create pixel-perfect difficult UI;

8) Understanding of core software development principles;

9) Experience with custom hooks Redux, Redux/saga at least 1 year;

10) Experience with creating a react-native app from scratch;

11) Experience with deploying-uploading builds to the marketplaces (apple Developer, app store, testflight, APK, play-console);

12) Experience with Lottie and RN animations;

13) Experience with;

14) Experience with push-notifications;

15) Experience with OTP authorization methods (Google, Apple, email);

16) B1/B2 English level.

Good to know:

1) Experience with React Native Skia (Library for fast rendering of heavy elements and charts)

2) Experience with cashing storages (redux-persist, react-native-mmkv, and others)

3) Experience with debugging tools (Flipper, Reactotron)

4) Familiarity with server-side;

5) Familiarity with UX.

Perks of Joining Our Team:

A flexible work schedule with the option to work remotely;

A dynamic team of talented and enthusiastic individuals;

Rapid skills development;

A diverse portfolio of interesting projects;

Performance-based bonuses;

Prompt and competitive salary increments;

Complimentary English lessons;

A macOS-equipped workstation for development purposes.

Join us in shaping the future of tech startups and established enterprises alike!

Specializations: Front-End / JS, Android, iOS, React Native, React
1800 - 2500$
1.5 years
Remote work
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