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React Front-end Developer in UniSkill

Posted more than 30 days ago


20 applications   0 responses

0 reviews
4000 - 4500$
1 year
Remote work

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The company is one of the most popular Internet services in Ukraine, one of the ten most visited Ukrainian-language sites.

The main tasks of Front-end Developer - development of new or expansion of the current functionality of the service, design and development of features, code optimization.

Technical stack:

  • EcmaScript 2015+;
  • Typescript;
  • React (16.12 / 17) with hooks;
  • Redux / Redux-act / Redux-thunk / Immer;
  • Formik / React hook for;
  • CSS / LESS / PostCSS (preset env);
  • WebPack 4/5;
  • Git.

It will be an advantage:

  • Vue / Vuex;
  • Typescript;
  • development experience for mobile browsers.

We expect from the candidate:

  • availability of commercial experience of Front-end development - from the 1st year;
  • deep understanding of modern JavaScript standards and the React / Redux stack;
  • experience in creating semantic and adaptive layout using modern approaches;
  • understanding the principles of customizing the webpack configuration.

We offer:

  • high fixed wages - discussed at the interview;
  • convenient office in the city center (Pechersk);
  • high level of salary - is discussed individually and depends on the level of qualification of the candidate;
  • Medical Insurance;
  • comfortable office with a terrace near the Demiivska metro station;
  • corporate gym;
  • opportunity to develop and grow in a team of professionals.
Specializations: Front-End / JS, HTML
Keywords: JavaScript, Front-End, HTML

Translated by Google

4000 - 4500$
1 year
Remote work
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