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QA Engineer Automation in Solring Holdings Ltd

Posted more than 30 days ago


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2500 - 3000$
2 years
Upper Intermediate
Full-time work
Remote work
QA Engineer Automation
Необходимые навыки Main requirements: • Experience and strong skills in manual testing is a must (2+ years) • Experience and strong skills in automation testing is a must (2+ years), experience with Selenium, JMeter, Postman or other alternatives • Hands-on Experience in work with such common-used tools like Git or TestRail • Hands-on Experience in API testing • Hands-on experience in Web-application testing • Hands-on experience in Mobile-application (iOS and Android) testing • Knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools, and processes • Experience in writing clear, concise and comprehensive test documentation • A clear understanding of the testing process and ability to manage personal time in order to work productively • Good team player with strong soft skills, strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills • Accuracy and attention to details • Experience working in an Agile/Scrum development process • Good written and spoken English (upper-intermediate +) Будет плюсом Will be a plus / Optional requirements: • Experience in working in the airline or touristic industry Предлагаем Why work with us? • Awesome projects in the travel industry and challenging tasks • Positive environment and friendly team • Professional development (conference/ trainings/ workshops) • Competitive salary • Corporate event • Paid vacations Обязанности What candidate will do day-to-day: • Review and analysis of Business Requirements • Creation & updating automated tests • Creation & updating test documentation • Provide different types of tests (regression, smoke etc.) of Web/Mobile applications • Communication with developers and project managers • Provide correct estimates for testing tasks & processes • Reasonable process & alternatives verifications • Provide the reports, demo etc. when required
Specializations: QA Automation
2500 - 3000$
2 years
Upper Intermediate
Full-time work
Remote work
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