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QA Automation in VTB project

Posted more than 30 days ago


1 application   0 responses

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2000 - 3000$
2 years
Without English
Full-time work
Remote work

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QA Automation
YOUR OBJECTIVES: Development and support of a test automation solution; Development of scripts for automated testing; Development of test data generators; Interaction with developers, analysts. OUR EXPECTATIONS: Strong knowledge of Java SE; Knowledge and experience in the framework of the OOP concept; Knowledge of relational DBMS and SQL; Ability to work with version control tools (git); Ability to understand someone else's code and write clear code; Knowledge and experience of working with XML, XPath, Selenium; Desirable: Knowledge and experience of using software assembly tools (Maven); Knowledge and experience of using any of the CI systems (Jenkins, TeamCity, Bamboo); Higher technical education.
Specializations: QA Automation

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2000 - 3000$
2 years
Without English
Full-time work
Remote work
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