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Middle/Senior Front-end developer in CREDO-DIALOGUE

Posted more than 30 days ago


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CREDO - programne zabezpechennya dlya inzhenernih vishukuvan ta avtomatizovanogo proektuvannya ob'ektiv transportnogo budivnictva.
0 reviews
2000 - 2500$
2 years
Full-time work
Remote work

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Middle/Senior Front-end developer
Middle / Senior Front-end developer required. For 10 years we have been developing, licensing and localizing massively multiplayer online games. Today the company's portfolio consists of game projects of various genres, including the legendary MMO TERA, Botva, Music Wars, etc. Some of the developments have gained recognition in Europe and North America. The vacancy involves full-time telecommuting. Experience and Knowledge • Javascript (ES6); • React, Redux, Redux-rematch, Node.js, Flow, Jest, SSR, xn - oa-1lc.js, Webpack 4; • CSS preprocessors (Sass); • HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap; • Experience with i18n; • Cross-browser and cross-platform layout; • Experience with Rest API (Swagger); • Experience with WebSocket (Jsonrpc 2) • Version control tools (Git); • Knowledge of Bash. • Knowledge of design patterns.
Specializations: Front-End / JS

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2000 - 2500$
2 years
Full-time work
Remote work
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