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Менеджер по роботі з ключовими клієнтами IT (B2B) in Sales'Up IT

Posted more than 30 days ago


2 applications   0 responses

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600 - 1000$
More than 3 years
Full-time work
Remote work

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Sales'Up is a modern, fast-growing company, the main principles of which are high professionalism, responsibility to each client and a guaranteed result. We are engaged in product development and implementation of complex IT projects for automation of business processes.


• Experience of B2B sales in the IT field from 3 years;

• Knowledge of basic business processes in sales, marketing and service in one or more industries: trading companies, agricultural sector, financial organizations, pharmaceuticals;

• Understanding the concepts of IT projects and software development;

• Experience in collecting, analyzing and documenting requirements for the formation of commercial proposals;

• Knowledge of sales methodology, understanding of customer purchasing behavior and ability to form a long-term sales strategy;

• Ability to work in changing circumstances (independent, purposeful);

• The ability to quickly learn the functionality of IT products and the ability to demonstrate feature products to solve business tasks of clients;

• Strong communication skills to freely manage meetings involving 5 or more people;

• Ability to build work within the company, set priorities and form comprehensive proposals;

• Mandatory experience of working with CRM systems.

Your tasks:

• Sale of complex infrastructure IT projects and software;

• Formation of sales strategy;

• Building long-term loyal relationships with key clients;

• Fulfillment of sales quotas for existing customers;

• Active communication with the company's technical specialists to form solutions for clients;

• Meetings and negotiations, preparation of complex commercial offers, participation in tenders;

• Determination of new needs of existing customers and start of new projects.


• Competitive salary (rate + bonuses from projects);

• Improving qualifications in internal and external training programs;

• Prospects for professional and career growth;

• 5-day work week with a flexible schedule, no dress code;

• Medical insurance system;

• Individual English language courses;

• Hybrid format of work;

• Office on the Maidan with free access.

Specializations: Sales
Keywords: Sales

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600 - 1000$
More than 3 years
Full-time work
Remote work
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