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Lead generation specialist B2B in Greenwich Group

Posted more than 30 days ago


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Greenwich Group
Greenwich Group
IT Recruitment agency
0 reviews
0.5 years
Upper Intermediate
Remote work

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We are an international IT recruiting agency, we have quality expertise and large candidate bases in almost all programming languages. We are building a sales department in connection with entering new markets. We are looking for hungry wolves and other predators, with a thirst for hunting in the markets of the EU, the USA, Canada and Ukraine:) With the prospect of moving to a sales position in 1-2 months.

🕵️‍♂️Skills (briefly):

• Fluent spoken/written English is a must!

• Preferably experience in international B2B sales;

• Understanding of the IT market is highly desirable, if not - we will teach :)

• Unstoppable constant desire to learn something new.

👨🏻‍💻👩‍💻 Duties (briefly):

• Search for clients on special platforms, such as LinkedIn;

• Conversion of potential customers into calls/meetings with the Sales Manager;

• Market analysis, identification and understanding of the client's "pains";

• Growth in the sales manager within 1-2 months.

💰🧁 What do we offer?

• Rate + bonuses (I will write more details in personal messages);

• Flexible work schedule, remote work (full time).

• Mentoring and growth in the recruiting IT agency team under the supervision of the CEO;

• Career and professional growth in sales, the opportunity to attend conferences, master classes, pass certification;

• Social package with paid vacation and sick leave;

• Without bureaucracy;

• The opportunity to work with foreign and Ukrainian leaders in the IT field;

• Income depends only on your own desire to work and earn as much as possible.

Write questions and send CV

Specializations: Sales, Lead Generation
Keywords: Sales, b2b, Lead Generation, Lead Generator, B2B sales

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0.5 years
Upper Intermediate
Remote work
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