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Копірайтер-перекладач (англійська мова) in Cool Club

Posted more than 30 days ago


3 applications   0 responses

Cool Club
Cool Club
Head of HR Department Cool.Club
0 reviews
556 - 1111$
Without experience
Part-time work
Remote work

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We are looking for copywriters for writing text works in English with a high level of literacy. Remote. It is possible without work experience. Must have excellent knowledge of written English. The use of AI-tools for writing the text is prohibited! What exactly to write: unique academic texts on general topics. You must write exclusively in English. Usually these are essays, articles, texts on individual customer orders. Various topics and the level of complexity of the texts.

We are looking for copywriters to write text works in English with a high level of literacy.

Removed It is possible without work experience. Must have excellent knowledge of written English. The use of AI-tools for writing text is prohibited!

What to write: unique academic texts on general topics.

You must write exclusively in English.

Usually these are essays, articles, texts on individual customer orders.

Various subjects and level of complexity of the texts.

Common areas: literature, economics, philosophy, finance, medicine.

Requirements for future copywriters:

  • knowledge of written English at an excellent level
  • following instructions, format and deadlines
  • the desire to work well and earn money

It will be a plus:

  • mastery of academic writing style
  • having the skills to quickly find and analyze information
  • the ability to quickly summarize various information

Cooperation options:

  • Full-time writers — 20-40 pages per week on a fixed schedule.

For full-time writers, bonuses from the company: paid vacation, compensation for sports and equipment expenses.

  • Part-time writers — 10-30 pages per week according to a convenient, pre-arranged schedule for you. Several night shifts per month will be mandatory.

Bonus + 20-30% for work performed at night.

Payment per page (275 words) on average $ 5 - $ 7, up to $ 20.

The more and better you write, the higher your rating and payment rate.

Are you ready to try?!

We invite you to our Сool.Club site to write a test essay and cooperate with us according to a convenient schedule for you. All applications are processed within a few business days. We will send you the answer by e-mail.

Specializations: Copywriting
Keywords: копірайтер-перекладач, англійська, мова

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556 - 1111$
Without experience
Part-time work
Remote work
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