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Junior Frontend Developer in React

Posted more than 30 days ago


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600 - 1000$
2 years
Full-time work
Junior Frontend Developer
Our offer: competitive salaries 600-1000 $(depends on interview); schedule : mon -fri 09:00-18:00 (not remote); unlimited coffee and jokes; comfortable working conditions in the centre of Kyiv; possibility to fulfill yourself in new projects and spheres . Requirements: 1+ years of experience with HTML5 and CSS3 (fixed width, adaptive and responsive layout); 1 + years knowledge of Javascript, HTML document DOM model and events; 1 + years experience with Wordpress; experience of using GIT, REST API, Bootstrap; javascript writing function, create filters experience of using Sigma, Photoshop understanding the principles of developing Web projects from idea to launch; soft skills to co-work with the teams of Backend and QA; passion to continuously learn new technologies and develop skills in different interesting projects ; ability to quickly search for information in the internet («googling»). As a plus: Experions of using Elastic Search knowledge of PHP knowledge of CSS Preprocessors, npm/yarn, Gulp, Webpack; knowledge of Agile/SCRUM principles
Specializations: Front-End / JS
600 - 1000$
2 years
Full-time work
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