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Fullstack Developer in Neosight

Posted more than 30 days ago


2 applications   0 responses

We are a team of specialists in performance marketing, creativity, software development, and data science with a number of successful projects in various verticals.
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1500 - 2500$
2 years
Full-time work
Remote work

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Fullstack Developer
For long-term remote cooperation, we are looking for a Fullstack developer Laravel + Vue.js in our team according to the following requirements: Basic responsibilities: 1. Development and refinement of functionality for technical specifications 2. Optimization of system performance 3. Code refactoring Requirements: 1. Experience with Laravel and VueJs from 2 years old. 2. Experience with Vue Bootstrap. 3. At least basic knowledge of Cordova and assemblies for Android and iOS. 4. Understanding the main vulnerabilities of Web applications and how to deal with them. 5. Experience with git. 6. Commercial experience in Web development for at least 3 years. 7. Solid knowledge of Mysql (indexes, keys, complex queries). Working conditions: 1. The work is completely remote. 2. Employment - full time. 3. Communication with the team through the internal project management system. 4. Before starting work, we sign the NDA. If you have the relevant knowledge and experience, and you also want to become part of a successful international team, we will be happy to talk in more detail!
Specializations: Front-End / JS

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1500 - 2500$
2 years
Full-time work
Remote work
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