stable company with foreign investment (Switzerland), the leader in the sale of metal processing equipment in Ukraine (more than 30 years on the market), the constant work requires a system administrator Windows Server deep knowledge, server infrastructure administration skills Understanding network technologies and principles of their safe work (TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, FTP); Ability to work with computer and office equipment, to diagnose and repair it; communication experien
stable company with foreign investment (Switzerland), the leader in the sale of metal processing equipment in Ukraine (more than 30 years on the market), the constant work requires a system administrator
Windows Server deep knowledge, server infrastructure administration skills Understanding network technologies and principles of their safe work (TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, FTP); Ability to work with computer and office equipment, to diagnose and repair it; communication experience with software and equipment suppliers. problems; Introduction and updating of new technologies and solutions that improve the performance and efficiency of information systems; Following the work of systems, identifying and solving problems, using monitoring systems for identifying anomalies; projects. we offer:
- interview wages;
- official design, social package according to the Labor Salary size