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Ventilation direction (DEC, HVAC) in Poland, Product Manager in Asociaciya rozvitku pidpriemnictva i prava

6 March


Asociaciya rozvitku pidpriemnictva i prava

Asociaciya rozvitku pidpriemnictva i prava

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Without experience
Full-time work

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International Production Holding, which works in the Industrial Segment (Industrial), announces the competition for the post: in ventilation (DEC, ) in Poland, Product Manager Study of a competitive environment, in awarding perspective directions of development. product; • Preparation of technical tasks for the development and introduction of new products; new products starting with the study of the market and ending with the market; .. • Selection of equipment in accordance wit

International Production Holding, which works in the Industrial Segment (Industrial), announces the competition for the post:

in ventilation (DEC, ) in Poland, Product Manager

Study of a competitive environment, in awarding perspective directions of development.


• Preparation of technical tasks for the development and introduction of new products; new products starting with the study of the market and ending with the market;


• Selection of equipment in accordance with partners' requests;

FONT-WIGHT: 400 "> Requirements:


• Fluent in English is a critical requirement (knowledge of other foreign languages ​​will be an advantage);

• systematic, communicability, creativity, responsibility; Style = "font-style: normal; font-weight: 400"> FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Place of work: Poznan, Republic of Poland.

Corporate Package.

Salary, additional motivation-on the results of the interview.

TEXT TERMS up to 3 months.

If you are ambitious and confident in your abilities, write right now!

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Without experience
Full-time work
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