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Targetologist in Gorbanov S., FOP / HP

29 January


Gorbanov S., FOP / HP

Gorbanov S., FOP / HP

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work
Looking for Targetologist for the team!  Hi!  If you Targetologist niches we work with: agribusiness, logistics, telegram channels, shops, all companies are tops in their directions in Ukraine. : 400; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> We have a system team that supports each specialist, including Timlid and Procedge Manager. -weight: 400; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> What do you get when working with us: Re

Looking for Targetologist for the team! 

Hi!  If you Targetologist

niches we work with: agribusiness, logistics, telegram channels, shops, all companies are tops in their directions in Ukraine. : 400; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> We have a system team that supports each specialist, including Timlid and Procedge Manager. -weight: 400; FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> What do you get when working with us:

    Remote Work format and a flexible schedule that is easy to combine with life. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    Stable Payment From $ 700-1000+ (Depending on the projects) with a transparent motivation and bonus system. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    Free Learning, Courses and Consultations for Development. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    Support 24/7 -We are always close if you need help or advice.

  • mRoutine Information: you focus only on targeting. Communication with the client and creating creatives is not your task. Friendly atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable and has the ability to express their ideas. Normal; FONT-Weight: 700; > We are looking for experienced targetologist

    Has experience in working with 5+ projects .

  • knows how to create Strategies for advertising campaigns, launch them, test, optimize and scale. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    able to analyze data and make sound solutions. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

    wants to grow and develop in the profession. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> What do you do:

    • Develop Strategies for projects. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

      You will start advertising campaigns, test and scale them. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None">

      You will conduct Analytics and you will prepare reports. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None "> What do we expect:

      • Full Launch of Turnkey Projects

      • A reliable partner that we will be confident 100%. FONT-STYLE: Normal; Text-Decoration: None ">

        The desire to learn, grow and develop with the team.

      If you meet our expectations and ready to join us, move on to the link and Fill in the questionnaire .

      We are waiting for you to achieve great results together!

Without experience
Full-time work
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