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Specialist of the Department of Provision of State Registers of the National Agency (IT specialist) in Nacionalne agentstvo z pitan zapobigannya korupciyi

Posted more than 30 days ago


Nacionalne agentstvo z pitan zapobigannya korupciyi

Nacionalne agentstvo z pitan zapobigannya korupciyi

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Without experience
Full-time work
NACC-about the State Service of the New Sample. To involve in the team of active conscious Ukrainians, NAPC created the place of power of virtuous people, where everyone shares the values ​​of integrity, interaction, responsibility, development and ambition. Where to be a civil servant is not about gray weekdays with a bunch of bureaucratic processes, but about daily interesting calls. We are really proud of what we have:

NACC-about the State Service of the New Sample.

To involve in the team of active conscious Ukrainians, NAPC created the place of power of virtuous people, where everyone shares the values ​​of integrity, interaction, responsibility, development and ambition. Where to be a civil servant is not about gray weekdays with a bunch of bureaucratic processes, but about daily interesting calls.

We are really proud of what we have:

  • important, interesting and understandable goals; /Span>
  • a team of like-minded people, since the "pass" in the team is the match of values ​​of the NACC Value;
  • we invite to the team mainSpecialist of the Department of State Registers of the National Agency Department of Information Systems, Analytical Work and Information Protection (IT specialist)

    <> <<00 < Span style = "font-style: normal"> Basic functional responsibilities:

    • maintenance of the Unified State Register of Declarations of Persons , authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, the Unified State Register of Persons who have committed corruption or corruption of the offense, the Unified State Register communication systems (hereinafter referred to as X), the provision of which is attributed to the powers of the National Agency;
    • refinement of ICS for the needs of structural units National Agency;
    • creation and updating of documentation; /Span>
    • Development of New ICS ;
    • Consideration in accordance with the procedure established by law of appeals, requests of state bodies, requests and appeals of the People's Deputies of Ukraine. ul>

      Our candidate/ka:

      • has a higher education not lower than a bachelor or a junior bachelor (the advantage will be technical education, IT);
      • fluent Ukrainian; /Span>
      • has knowledge of PHP, MySQL, Postgresql, JavaScript;
      • understands and applies Oop principles;
      • There is experience in working with the Control System GIT version;
      • understands the client-server interaction; Span>
      • There is experience in working with Docker;
      • has an understanding of what protection is Information in the ICS and able to provide it;
      • has analytical skills and ability to work out significant amounts of information. FONT-VARANT: NORMAL; White-Space: Pre-Wrap "> be a civil servant In NAPC - about:

        • Visit State Medical Officers Secured to NAPC. ul>


        • comfortable office at 2 min by walking From Art. ; FONT-VARANT: NORMAL; White-Space: Pre-Wrap ">
        • Equipped shelter (with care about employee safety);
        • Saturated Corporate Life (Ient. Invitation of external speakers);
        • Book and Debate Clubs for those .

        Термін приймання резюме — до 19.02.2025

        *Якщо протягом 10 днів (з моменту завершення терміну подання резюме) ми не зв’яжемось з Вами — це означає, що вказані в резюме знання та досвід не відповідають вимогам вакансії. В такому випадку ми зможемо повернутись до Вашої кандидатури при появі релевантних Вашому досвіду вакансій.

        **Надсилаючи резюме, Ви надаєте згоду на обробку та зберігання своїх персональних даних.


        • >> <)" Span style = "font-weight: 400"> Position for martial law (for this time, before the appointment of this position of competition winner , but not more than 12 months from the date of termination or abolition of martial law). > If you want to learn more about the NAPC and follow the open vacancies-subscribe to us on social networks . we are in social networks:





Without experience
Full-time work
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