Stabilizeyshen support servisez, BO
Charity Organization "Stabilized Support Support" (because "SSS") announces an open competition for coordinator/Ku of Social Hub in Dnipropetrovsk. 700 ">" Strengthening the sustainability and protection of victims of conflicts of persons, communities and systems in Central and Eastern Ukraine ", which is implemented with the International Humanitarian Organization" CARE "with the support of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany. 400 "> contract is concluded with FOP 3 of group
Charitable Organization "Stabilized Support Service Support" Charitable Foundation Since 2015 has been engaged in support and assistance to people in Ukraine, as well as the state of war. style = "font-style: normal; FONT-Weight: 400 "> The SSS BO team operates on both local levels with regional coordinators and national-with the involvement of our national experts. Our main direction is to work with internally displaced persons, as well as with vulnerable categories of the population. FONT-WIGHT: 400 "> Working in" SSS "is an opportunity to help hundreds of thousands of people who now need support. Our organization is constantly growing and expanding its portfolio with new projects both in the All-Ukrainian and local levels, which we implement in partnership with international organizations. FONT-Weight: 400 "> more about us: https://ss-ua.org/
What to do:
Qualification requirements: