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Senior project specialist (RestoreEdu Senior Project Officer) in ACTED

Posted more than 30 days ago




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Without experience
Full-time work
ACTED is a French non-governmental organization founded in 1993, which supports vulnerable populations affected by humanitarian crises around the world. ACTED provides ongoing support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and preparedness for the long-term challenges facing populations in order to break the cycle of poverty, promote development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our employees are always ready to respond to emergency situations,

ACTED is a French non-governmental organization founded in 1993, which supports vulnerable populations affected by humanitarian crises around the world. ACTED provides ongoing support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and preparedness for the long-term challenges facing populations in order to break the cycle of poverty, promote development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our employees are always ready to respond to emergency situations, support and restore sustainable development through 450 projects in 43 countries.


Project Planning

  • Contribute inputs to Restore Edu Project related strategy development, project proposals and provide input on needs and gaps.
  • Promote and share ideas for improvement and necessary changes in the activities.
  • Jointly with Restore Edu Project Manager update overall project implementation strategy, systems, approaches, tools, and materials.
  • Jointly Project Manager plan technical stages of project implementation and set direction by prioritizing and organizing activities and resources to achieve project objectives.
  • Jointly with Shelter Project Engineers plan stages of Restore Edu project implementation and set direction by prioritizing and organizing activities and resources to achieve project objectives.

Project Implementation Follow-up

  • Participate in planning and conducting activities for communication, coordination and implementation of the Restore Edu project, providing support in meetings with external participants to improve coordination between local authorities, humanitarian organizations in the project implementation.

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  • Participate directly in the implementation of the project, ensuring that technical quality and standards are taken into account and adhered to during the implementation of the project(s ) in accordance with ACTED technical guidelines and standards;
  • Prepare specifications, create estimates of Non-structural repairs, structural repairs, WASH, DRR (AVK program), and assist in the preparation of tender documents;
  • Provide monitoring and Control of the BoQs, Pro 09.4 in Estimation and Technological approach based on the approved scope of the work by Shelter engineers /ul>
    • Line managing a team of Project Officers and Project Assistants who will be responsible for creating and managing technical team databases.
    • Jointly with MEAL to ensure harmonized datasets across project activities.
    • Supporting Restore Edu team as necessary in data cleaning, data processing, data analysis and data visualization.
    • Providing other support to assigned Restore Edu teams in the Areas as necessary. 
    • Jointly with Shelter Project Engineers ensure that implementation of Restore Edu Project activities is effective and align with planned.
    • Track progress of activities in line with workplan, project indicators and take appropriate steps with Project Manager adjust project activities if needed.
    • Ensure appropriate beneficiary documentation is collected and retained. 
    • Identify cases for referral to other agencies/service providers.
    • Respond to beneficiary and suppliers complaints in accordance with the accountability complaints and feedback mechanism. 
    • Proactive planning and coordination with logistics and field teams.
    • Participate and mitigate risks and trouble-shoot any unforeseen challenges during the project implementation.
    • Jointly with Restore Edu Project  Manager  regular update the work plan, output tracker, PMF and other documents relevant for effective project management
    • Carry out other duties as requested by Restore Edu Project Manager .

     External Relations 

    • Jointly with Restore  Project Manager facilitate communication and liaison activities to actively consult and involve beneficiaries, key informants, actors, partners and stakeholders in all stages of project design and implementation.
    • Jointly with Restore Edu  Project Manager cultivate good relations with key humanitarian actors – local and international, including government authorities and non-state actors, through regular attendance at technical meetings and bilateral meetings.


    • Manage Restore Edu  Officers in Shelter related activities in cooperation with Shelters Project Engineers and Restore Edu Project Manager.  
    • Participate in the recruitment of Shelter Officers and Shelter Assistants (development of organigrams, ToRs, elaborating the tests and reviewing them; interviews, etc) 
    • Ensure that Shelter Officers in the Areas understand and can perform their roles and responsibilities.
    •  Ensure that each member is aware of security issues, policies, SOPs and they follow them accordingly.
    • Follow-up the work plans and day-to-day activities.
    • Ensure capacity building of project staff and transfer key skills.
    • Ensure a positive working environment and good team dynamics.
    • Undertake regular appraisals of staff and follow career management.
    • Manage interpersonal conflicts.

    Quality Control

    • Ensure lessons learned are documented, shared and reflected in project planning and decision making.
    • Jointly with Restore Edu Project Manager advise on, and assist with, project reviews.
    • Ensure quality control of the completed works and Final Cost Estimation of the completed works (via AVK software) .
    • Ensure quality control, analysis of added value and impact, identification and capitalization on best practices and lessons learnt and provide relevant feedback for new project development.
    • Identify and analyze gaps, ACTED’s added value, synergies and opportunities in the     project is / are implemented and pass relevant information to Project Manager / Area Coordinator


    • -   Provide regular and timely updates on progress and challenges to supervisors and other team members.
    • Contribute to drafting of (internal and external) project progress reports, ensuring the quality and accuracy of information provided.
    • Prepare technical reports (estimates) on the activities under the  project and assist the Project Manager, Shelter Engineers     for the reconstruction of educational institutions in the preparation of periodic reports;
    • Report regularly and in a timely manner to managers and other team members on progress and existing issues.
    • Contribute to the preparation of (internal and external) reports on the development of project implementation, ensuring the quality and accuracy of the technical information provided.

    Experience and skills

    • Specialist degree in Engineering / economics / construction or similar field or relevant practical experience.
    • Commitment to high quality adaptive and accountable humanitarian programming 
    • Fluent Russian and Ukrainian( English is desired.)
    • Knowledge of the structure of local authorities and governments 
    • Experience in the humanitarian or development, or construction sector.
    • Good knowledge of the Ukrainian building regulations and licensed program complexes for construction estimates (AVK).
    • Working level of English, fluent in Russian and Ukrainian.
    • Computer skills, ability to use Microsoft Office software (AVK, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
    • Ability to work independently and in a team, actively offer your own ideas.
    • Stress-resilience and multitasking skills 

    Увага! Згідно чинного законодавства, при працевлаштуванні військовозобов'язані громадяни України зобов'язані надати військово-облікові документи та оновити свої військово-облікові дані.

    Attention! Per current legislation, individuals subject to military service duty must provide updated military registration documents while being employed


    • Офіційне працевлаштування згідно законодавства України;
    • 3 місяці випробувального терміну
    • Конкурентна офіційна заробітна плата, визначена тарифною сіткою ACTED;
    • Регулярна оцінка роботи та підвищення заробітної плати;
    • 28 робочих днів оплачуваної відпустки на рік;
    • Дружня міжнародна команда професіоналів;
    • Можливість розвитку кар'єри;
    • Медичне страхування після 3 місяців роботи з ACTED.


    “ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH). Please note that any candidate offered a job will sign the Code of Conduct, and related policies, as part of their work contract. Misconduct can lead to dismissal.”

Without experience
Full-time work
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