Hi, let's get acquainted! Weight: 400; "FONT-WIGHT: 700"> 15 years. Dynamically new jobs. -weight: 700 "> Thanks to common effort All employees we have achieved considerable success: Many customers know and prefer us. You Looking for Work, Where are each employee appreciated as part of a large and powerful team? then invite to the team for the post-seller-consultant! FONT-STYLE: Normal "> What do we offer: Stable work in successful Ukrainian company ; "FONT-WIGH
Hi, let's get acquainted! Weight: 400; "FONT-WIGHT: 700"> 15 years. Dynamically new jobs. -weight: 700 "> Thanks to common effort All employees we have achieved considerable success: Many customers know and prefer us.
You Looking for Work, Where are each employee appreciated as part of a large and powerful team?
then invite to the team for the post-seller-consultant! FONT-STYLE: Normal "> What do we offer:
- Stable work in successful Ukrainian company ; "FONT-WIGHT: 400"> timely and competitive payment wages twice a month- from 20 000 UAH up to 23 600 UAH;
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- Support and adaptation at all stages of development.
Your tasks: