Only selected #wubbervan seem to be one/one of them! : You are fanatie from novelties in home gadgets and services You can hear customer needs and help them free from stereotypes that sales = "Slide" or "steam" because we are not about it you want to work with your head and heart so when you come, you will be waiting for you: Strong> Support of the mentor The ability to earn at the level of colleagues even during internships a convenient and interesting system of trai
Only selected #wubbervan
seem to be one/one of them! :
- You are fanatie from novelties in home gadgets and services
- You can hear customer needs and help them
- free from stereotypes that sales = "Slide" or "steam" because we are not about it
- you want to work with your head and heart
so when you come, you will be waiting for you: Strong>
- Support of the mentor
- The ability to earn at the level of colleagues even during internships
- a convenient and interesting system of training (through the company's social network directly in the smartphone)
- Transparent payroll and all the legal benefits of the "white" official company
- clear tools for planning your own career from the trainee to the trainee to the store director
- regular motivational Activities, drawings, trips, challengi and battles
And we have:
- Cursory Work schedule 5/2 2. li>
Select how to respond:
- Send a resume on this site
- Call our manager-Julia, 0674964712 span>
- @comfycareerbot
<. /ul> go to be #wubbervan!