LC Waikiki• a leading Turkish company in the fashion industry.
Today, LC Waikiki has more than 1,000 stores in 51 countries with the company philosophy: "everyone deserves to dress well", allowing people to enjoy fashionable, high-quality clothes at affordable prices.
The LC Waikiki company announces a competition for the position: seller - consultant
We offer:
Requirements for candidates: p>
If you are ready to share LC values Waikiki: To be honest, to work together / to be a team player, to be an expert in your field, to be customer-oriented, to overcome difficulties and challenges - then we are waiting for you. Join the best and grow with us! We are waiting for your resumes.
By sending your resume, you automatically agree to the document at the link: https://lcwonline-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/marta_litvin_lcwaikiki_com/EVEuBPYJ5sREsgJ66dfIuUQB9cd4Egpm5F62JbzIX-mCbQ?e=wqN9pI