ROZETKA is the largest online retailer in Ukraine. We make the dreams of millions of people come true and are always looking for people to help us become better. If you feel the power to make people happier, and the service in Ukraine is the best in the world, join our friendly ROZETKA team!
We are constantly expanding our network of stores and are always happy for talented and persistent! So, if you are energetic, polite, result-oriented and you like to communicate with people, you are our person we are waiting for! How does it work at ROZETKA? A frank book about the company, its team and values http://book.rozetka.ua/
And now we are looking for a sales manager for our new logistics project ROZETKA Delivery https://rozetka.delivery/
What to do:
What is required for this:
On our part, we offer:
Send your resume and join our team!
Together with sending your resume, complete a small TK linked="true" href="https://robota.ua/redirect?event_name=url_click&redir_token=eyJPcmlnaW5hbFVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZG9jcy5nb29nbGUuY29tL2Zvcm1 zL2QvZS8xRkFJcFFMU2NVRklfdVNLaEd2MjVseE01VzNZUTI2SmZBUndwT0h1YU1lamlaRlhTZnBzdGo4dy92aWV3Zm9ybSIsIlZhY2FuY3lJZCI6MTAwODMzMjl9" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScUFI_uSKhGv25lxM5W3YQ26JfARwpOHuaMejiZFXSfpstj8w/viewform
We look forward to welcoming you to the ROZETKA team!