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Recruiter in BORISSTUDIO

11 März




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Without experience
Full-time work

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Borisstudio is a team that creates stylish, contemporary and quality interiors . We do not just make turnkey repairs-we realize the dreams of our customers about the perfect space. Style = "font-weight: 700; font-style: normal"> recruiter , which will help to look for the best experts. style = "font-weight: 700"> Do you feel people and know how to find the best among hundreds of candidates? Do you like to communicate and form strong teams? Then this vacancy is for you! 400 "> comp

Borisstudio is a team that creates stylish, contemporary and quality interiors . We do not just make turnkey repairs-we realize the dreams of our customers about the perfect space. Style = "font-weight: 700; font-style: normal"> recruiter , which will help to look for the best experts. style = "font-weight: 700"> Do you feel people and know how to find the best among hundreds of candidates? Do you like to communicate and form strong teams? Then this vacancy is for you! 400 ">

  • complete freedom of action: we are important to us, so you choose tools and ways to achieve the goal. will match the company's values ​​and reinforce the team;
  • career height and Ability to influence development -your own and company; style = "font-weight: 700"> Bonuses for vacancies .
  • Successful experience of a recruiter from 3 years;
  • Use in the work of modern methods and tools for finding candidates; oral and written language;
  • the ability to work on the result, not simply imitate the process. FONT-Weight: 400 "> Your duties:

    • To seek cool specialists through Job sites, social networks and network;
    • interview and evaluate candidates;
    • to form a strong team that promotes company development; recruiting efficiency.

    If you have a successful experience in recruiting, you are not afraid of off Borisstudio for you. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Our site:

    our Instagram:

    +38 (073) 310 15 Christina Christina Christina Christina Christina (Viber, Telegram ).

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    Without experience
    Full-time work
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