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Rehabilitation Technical Officer in Handicap international

Posted more than 30 days ago


Handicap international

Handicap international

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Full-time work
Rehabilitation Technical OfficerREPORTS TO:    Health Project Manager  LOCATION:   DniproPlease send your CV in EnglishGENERAL MISSION  The Rehabilitation Technical Officer contributes to the implementation of Humanity & Inclusion's mandate and 10-year strategy in his/her home country. He/she contributes to the implementation of project by providing technical expertise and ensuring that the quality and impact of the project concerned are optimized.  MISSIONS / RESPONSIBILITIES  Mission 1. Expert

 Rehabilitation Technical Officer

REPORTS TO:    Health Project Manager  

LOCATION:   Dnipro

Please send your CV in English


The Rehabilitation Technical Officer contributes to the implementation of Humanity & Inclusion's mandate and 10-year strategy in his/her home country. He/she contributes to the implementation of project by providing technical expertise and ensuring that the quality and impact of the project concerned are optimized.  


Mission 1. Expertise:  

1.1. Provide technical expertise for the training of rehabilitation professionals  

  • Adhere to international norms, standards and techniques in the implementation of rehabilitation activities 

  • Raise awareness of rehabilitation norms and standards among health staff 

  • Be responsible for the technical quality and relevance of training activities implemented in rehabilitation 

  • Adjust training content based on feedback from the technical authority, participants, and project partners  

  • Adapt teaching skills based on lessons learned and good practices identified from the project and context  

  • Identify and communicate to the technical authority any training needs that are not within his/her area of expertise but are necessary to provide quality physical and functional rehabilitation intervention   

1.2. Provide technical expertise for the supervision of physical therapists  

  • Supervise the physical therapists during their rehabilitation sessions in hospitals and communities 

  • Supervise the mentor assessment of the physical therapists’ competencies 

  • Identify strengths and areas of needed improvement towards professional development for the physical therapists 

  • Adjust his/her supervision based on feedback from the physical therapists and the international rehabilitation technical officer 

  • Adapt supervision skills based on lessons learned and good practices identified from the project and context  

1.3. Contribute to the facilitation of a community of practice with the support of the international rehabilitation technical officer 

  • Prepare and facilitate community of practice sessions in rehabilitation  

  • Facilitate the internal multidisciplinary meeting to discuss patient’s pathway and recovery with the MHPSS colleagues and social workers 

Mission 2. Implementation and monitoring:  

2.1. Ensure the implementation of the rehabilitation activities 

  • Ensure that the project activities are implemented in accordance with global rehabilitation technical norms and standards including the International Classification of Functioning 

  • Assess the capacities and training needs of the project's rehabilitation professionals 

  • Build development plans for each hospital supported in conjunction with the project's technical authority and partner organisations including the competencies tool 

  • Define the indicators measuring the effects and impact of the development plan implementation  

  • Build and update the training material according to the context and capacities of the participants 

  • Identify and implement training techniques adapted to the training content and target audience 

  • Train the target audience in the different approaches, technical tools related to their expertise and identified needs 


2.2 Ensure the monitoring of the rehabilitation activities 

  • Ensure that the appropriate data collection and management tools are in place on the project, in line with global standards 

  • Ensure that data related to the project is collected and compiled in the project database 

  • Contribute to the regular reporting of the technical activities carried out, the data collected and their analysis, and related recommendations 

  • Contribute to regular verifications and any necessary corrections in the activity database  

 Mission 3. Influence:  

  • Contribute to the influence of HI's expertise: can represent HI's rehabilitation technical expertise in relevant local networks 

  • Communicate on the technical aspect of the project to partners, authorities and stakeholders when relevant 



  •   Master of physical therapy or occupational therapy  


  • At least 2 years of clinical experience including trauma care 

  • Experience in hospital and multidisciplinary approach 

  • Experience in supervision and teaching 

  • Preferable - previous experience working in humanitarian programs 


Professional skills:   

  • Clinical management of rehabilitation of beneficiaries;   

  • Standards and Guides for Rehabilitation Professions/Services at HI;  

  • Building professional capacities (training, support, change of conduct) in rehabilitation in humanitarian settings.


  • English: B2  

  • Use of SOAP notes format with goal setting  

Personal qualities:  

  • Excellent communication skills and diplomacy 

  • Ability to follow instructions and to be a member of a team 

  • Flexibility 

  • Strong attention to details 

  • Good organizational skills 

  • Practical, dynamic and solution oriented 

  • Open to cultural differences 

  • Good capacity to withstand pressure and manage stress.  


Contract: Employment contract (according to Ukrainian legislation) Fixed-Term

Type of employment: Full-time

Benefits Package:

  • 30 calendar days for annual leaves 
  • 12 days of internal wellbeing paid leaves annually (pro-rata)
  • Medical Insurance for HI staff and one dependent (tax paid by HI)
  • Individual counselling sessions for HI staff
  • Relocation package might be granted for the managerial positions and key positions if needed 
  • Relevant supportive measures for person with disabilities (if needed)

By submitting the CV application, the applicant gives his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data (in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine).


HI is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment based on mutual respect for all employees. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, disability status, religion, ethnic origin, colour, race, marital status, or other protectedcharacteristics. 

All interested candidates irrespective of age, sex, disability status, religion, ethnic origin, colour, race, marital status, or other protected characteristics are encouraged to apply for the vacancy.

If you have a disability and require any special arrangements to assist you during the interview, please inform us with the necessary details.

Handicap International has clear institutional policies on "Child Protection", "Anti-fraud, Bribery and Corruption", "Disability, Gender and Age" and "Protection of Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment”. It is therefore mandatory for all staff to commit themselves to respect, uphold and promote these policies, and to sign the HI Code and Conduct. 


Фахівець із фізичної реабілітації 

ПІДПОРЯДКОВУЄТЬСЯ:  Менеджер проєкту фізичного та психічного здоров’я 


Надсилайте, будь ласка, резюме англійською мовою


Фахівець із фізичної реабілітації сприяє виконанню мандату та 10-річної стратегії Humanity & Inclusion у своїй країні. Він/вона сприяє реалізації проєктів, надаючи технічні знання і досвід та забезпечуючи оптимізацію якості та впливу відповідного проєкту.  


Завдання 1. Технічний досвід. 

 1.1. Забезпечення фаховими знаннями для навчання фахівців із реабілітації:  

  •  Дотримуватися міжнародних норм, стандартів та методик у здійсненні реабілітаційних заходів; 

  •  Підвищувати обізнаність медичних працівників щодо норм і стандартів реабілітації; 

  •  Відповідати за технічну якість та актуальність навчальних заходів, що проводяться у сфері реабілітації; 

  •  Коригувати зміст навчання з огляду на зворотcommunication with the technical management, participants and partners of the project; 


  •  Identify and communicate to technical leadership any training needs outside of his/her scope competencies, but are necessary to ensure high-quality physical and functional rehabilitation intervention.    

1.2. Provision of expertise to supervise physical therapists:

  • Perform supervision of physical therapists during their holding of rehabilitation classes in hospitals and communities; 

  • Evaluate the competence of physical therapists by mentors; 

  • Identify strengths and aspects that need improvement for the professional development of physical therapists; 

  • Adjust own supervision based on feedback from physical therapists and an international rehabilitation specialist; 

  • Improve supervision skills based on conclusions drawn and successful experiences identified within the project and environment. 

 1.3. Contribution to the creation of a community of practitioners with the support of an international specialist in rehabilitation:

  • Cook and coordinate sessions of the community of practitioners in the field of rehabilitation;   

  • /p>

Task 2. Implementation and monitoring. 

2.1. Ensuring the implementation of rehabilitation measures:

  •  Control the implementation of project activities in accordance with the world technical norms and standards of rehabilitation, including the International Classification of Functioning; 
  • Assess the potential and training needs of rehabilitation specialists within the project; 

  • Develop development plans for each supported hospital together with project technical management and partner organizations, including using competency assessment tools;

  • Determine indicators reflecting the impact and consequences of the implementation of the development plan;

  • Create and update training material according to the situation and capabilities of the participants; 

  • Identify and implement teaching methods appropriate to the content of the training and the target audience; 

  • Educate the target group on different approaches, technical tools related to their experience and identified needs 

 2.2.Ensuring monitoring of rehabilitation measures:  

  • Control the availability of appropriate data collection and management tools in the project in accordance with global standards;

  • Ensure the collection of data related to the project and its entry into the project database; 

  • Participate in regular reporting on technical measures taken, data collected and their analysis, as well as relevant recommendations;

  • Contribute to regular review and making necessary adjustments to the activity database


Task 3.Impactand meaning. 

  • Contribute to the implementation of HI expertise: may represent technical rehabilitation expertise within HI within relevant local networks; 

  • If necessary, inform partners, authorities and interested parties about the technical aspects of the project  



  • Master's degree in "Physical therapy, occupational therapy"

Experience : 

  • At least 2 years of clinical experience, including orthopedic and trauma profile; 

  • Experience working in hospitals and using a multidisciplinary approach; 

  • Supervision and teaching experience 

  • Preferably - previous work experience in humanitarian programs


Professional skills: 

  • Clinical management of rehabilitation of beneficiaries;
  • Compliance with professional standards and guidelines in the field of rehabilitation and rehabilitation services in HI;  
  • Increasing professional competence (training, support, behavior change) in the field of rehabilitation and in the humanitarian environment.


  • English (level B2); 
  • Using the SOAP note format with goals  

Personal qualities: 

  • Excellent communication skills and diplomacy; 

  • Ability to follow instructions and be a team member; 

  • Mobility; 

  • Meticulous attention to detail; 

  • Good organizational skills; 

  • Practical, dynamic and decision-oriented;

  •  Open to cultural differences. 

  • Good ability to withstand pressure and manage stress.


Contract:Employment contract (according to the legislation of Ukraine) Term

Employment type: Full time


  • 30 calendar days of annual leave
  • 12 days of annual paid wellness leave (pro-rated time worked)
  • Health insurance for HI employees and one family member (supplement paid by HI)
  • Individual psychological counseling for HI employees
  • Relocation package can be provided for management and key positions if required
  • Appropriate support measures for a person with a disability (if required)
  • li>


HI is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and strive to create an inclusive environment based on mutual respect for all employees. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, disability, religion, ethnic origin, color, race, marital status or other protected characteristics.

All interested candidates, regardless of age, gender, disability, religion, ethnic origin, color, race, marital status or other characteristics, are encouraged to apply for the position.

If you have a disability and require any special arrangements to assist you during the interview, please let us know the necessary details.

Handicap International has transparent institutional policies on Child Protection, Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption, Disability, Gender and Age and Protecting Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment. They are binding on all employees who are required to respect, uphold and promote these policies and sign the HI Code of Conduct.

By submitting a resume, the applicant consents to the processing of his personal data (in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine).

Without experience
Full-time work
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